please help cannabis in ireland (you dont have to irish to help, just vote!)


The irish election is coming up and party leaders are doing a youtube Q&A session.

The cannabis question is so far storming ahead, but the more votes the better.

you can login with a youtube or gmail account

1)go to

2)Bottom right of the page click ''sorted by popularity''

3) Vote top of the list

Will your party commit to leagalising and taxing cannabis for personal use, thereby generating a significant new source of tax revenues, saving Gardai and court resources, and allowing access to those with a medical need? --evilal666

ctrl + f > cannabis > then thumb up

Will your party commit to leagalising and taxing cannabis for personal use, thereby generating a significant new source of tax revenues, saving Gardai and court resources, and allowing access to those with a medical need? --evilal666

the poll will close soon, so please help!
thank you!!


Well-Known Member
Im not irish I suppose....but my family tree traces its roots back to Ireland so what the hell Ill go vote for you.......anyone that wants pot has my vote.