Please help asap my girls are in trouble


first i will tell you my set up. i have a veg room with a 175W MH. my temp is a constant 77 degrees with humidity ranging between45 and 50 the PH of my soil is 6.6 to 6.8 i am using standard potting soil with about 30% perlite. with a small fan to keep air moving ( not directly blowing on babys but it dose move them a little). i do not have an EC meter and i am using reg. tap water i let sit out for a day. i also am using GH products the lucas formula for seedlings with my mix being a little weaker then recommended. also two were clones that were just starting to flower as you can see. the other was also a clone that was all ready rooted my lights are on 24/7


my growth is VERY slow with my new leaves having the center leaf grow very large with the others almost non existent. also my leafs are tacoing. what im thinking is that the two clones i took were just into there first week or so of flowering and there reverting back to veg. growth. am i correct in my assumption?

  • :wall:


if the mom you took your cuts from was in flowering the cuts will have to reveg wich can take up to 8 weeks to see normal veg growth again. Not often but can hapen, i had a reveg of romulan that took over 4 weeks to see normal veg growth. I have also had cuts that were to far away from lights do that.
deff. not over watered i water when the cups are light yes there are holes in bottom of cups 12 to be exact. the yellowing is because the clone is pulling nutes from the largest leaves. and yes i know how long it takes. but will you please answer the question. are the new leaves that only have one large leaf as apposed to 5,7, or 9 because its still in a flowering cycle?? no disrespect but i have asked this question on multiple sites and everyone goes off on wild tangents.