Please help a newbie with venting questions! Will +rep


Well-Known Member
So Ive already asked about other ideas I have had for the intake/exhaust but all have been shot down. So I have come up with a new idea and hope this way will work!

Basically I am doing a tent grow. The tent is placed inside a 5.5ft/5.5ft closet. Tent is only 20x36x64.

Im trying to avoid cutting holes in my ceiling/walls.

Today while I was working I thought up an idea.

What if I were to go under my house and run some ductwork to my closet, giving my closet its own AC/heat vent.

Then attached my intake duct to the floor vent (one I would install) and then just exhaust out of the tent into the closet.

Would this work? It should be drawling in any of the same air as the intake would be drawling from the floor vent.

Thanks in advance for any and all help! Will definitely +rep all who give advice! <3


Well-Known Member
my worry would be that it would get to cold. what i have is a 48 x 48 x 76" tent and i have 2 fans in it + one in the room window 1st 6" fan is my intake fan and the 2nd is a 4" exaust fan i dont know if your tent is anything like mine but I have 3 venting parts on my tent 2 at the top and one at the bottom and as long as your venting out the top you should be able to manage your temp


Well-Known Member
It shouldnt get too cold. Its at the farthest end of the house away from the AC unit. The room the closet is in doesnt even get too cold.

I will be exhaust out the top yes.


Well-Known Member
seems pretty safe, you're just repositioning you cool air intake from one spot(wall) to floor
downside is the work, crawlspace? it certainly ought to work


Well-Known Member
Yea its a crawlspace. Figured I would cut the hole from the top of the floor (of course). As for ducts, shouldnt be all that hard. Just gotta see what size one down there is, cut it, add a Y duct piece to connect the duct that was already down there, and then connect new one to the other side.

Then again, ive never done any duct work before haha


Well-Known Member
i have, it's not exactly hard, but then it's not fun
still, it's a nice stealthy arrangement
only suggestion would be to keep in mind how it could be covered up so if you don't want that setup anymore, maybe in corner of closet


Well-Known Member
Well as I said, the room the closet in is somewhat hot as it is. Its at the far end of the house so AC isnt as cold by the time it gets to this end of the house. This room needs another vent anyway. My uncle/dad actually own the house I am living in (was left to them in a will) so I dont really have to worry about it much. I just planned to tell them my clothes were getting stale/moldish smelling from the built up heat/humidity in there. Not so sure if it would fly, but think I could make it pass =D.


Well-Known Member
sounds like alot of work. If you have the relatives coming over for like sunday dinner, it's different than if they just drop off whenever. If they stop by at Christmas, or when invited, why not buy a second door.. cut vent holes in it etc.. and when the family comes over, just pop the door off and put the regular one on so noone would see it. Just seems so much easier than running duct work in a crawlspace.. if you've never done it, it's easy, don't be discouraged, a few duct screws, and aluminum tape the joints, it's easy enough to figure out what pieces you need to do it... but I would assume you can control environment better if it's not ducted outside. If anything, I hope I at least gave you another option.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Sounds like an easy project that will def help things. Running vents and cutting a hole in the floor is pretty easy with a jig saw, a template and a drill. The venting itself can be the flexible kind, pretty easy to run and install. Use aluminum tape to secure the ends, do not use DUCT tape. Get a thermometer in the tent and leave the vent wide open, after an hour or 2 of ac check the temp, vary the temp by closing the vent a bit at a time until temps are where you want them.


Well-Known Member
The 2nd door option wouldnt be a bad one, but I honestly wouldnt have any place to store the second door, I guess could be in the closet but ehh. Prob cheaper and better if I run duct work (as the room is hottish already, so the AC would definitely be helpful).

This weekend since its a 3day weekend, I plan to get down there and add the duct, Guess I will prob pick up 25ft insulated 6" flexible duct for it.

Now one question Ive got is.. Should I place my 6" inline fan in the crawl right where I connect the new duct, or should I place it just outside the tent?

Here is the fan I picked up.


Well-Known Member
The 2nd door option wouldnt be a bad one, but I honestly wouldnt have any place to store the second door, I guess could be in the closet but ehh. Prob cheaper and better if I run duct work (as the room is hottish already, so the AC would definitely be helpful).

This weekend since its a 3day weekend, I plan to get down there and add the duct, Guess I will prob pick up 25ft insulated 6" flexible duct for it.

Now one question Ive got is.. Should I place my 6" inline fan in the crawl right where I connect the new duct, or should I place it just outside the tent?

Here is the fan I picked up.
I had thought about the second door thing for myself, which is why I mentioned it. I was going to put it in a different closet at the back behind coats and shit.

those doors for your closet are only like $45... so I mean it's a pretty cheap option. The ducting is better though, no questions should the door be discovered.

The fan I would put nearest your vent in the closet and have it draw air out of the room. Another thought, since you're cutting out a vent hole anyway, why not cut a fake trap door, o if you have to work there you can do it from above, and you can also be able to get at your fan should you have to replace it, without going outside and under your house everytime you need to . cut the hole and run 2X4s around the lip so it makes it smaller than the hole so you can et it in and it would hold you if you stepped on it, and won't fall through, I'm talking like a one foot hole for access, not a huge trap door.... don't cut any joists!!! I don't know where you live, so I don't know your building code, ours here, is joists are hung 12" on center. NEVER cut out a joist, your house WILL sag and the structural integrity will be fucked.. to fix have to jack up the house and laminate or replace that joist, not easy, cheap or fun.

Good luck with your project, hope I helped a little.


Well-Known Member
The 2nd door option wouldnt be a bad one, but I honestly wouldnt have any place to store the second door, I guess could be in the closet but ehh. Prob cheaper and better if I run duct work (as the room is hottish already, so the AC would definitely be helpful).

This weekend since its a 3day weekend, I plan to get down there and add the duct, Guess I will prob pick up 25ft insulated 6&quot; flexible duct for it.

Now one question Ive got is.. Should I place my 6&quot; inline fan in the crawl right where I connect the new duct, or should I place it just outside the tent?

Here is the fan I picked up.
Seems like a 2 choice trade off. Near to the tent would be convenient for checking fan, making sure it's operating properly. But for stealth, I would think down in the crawl space would be best. Fan sound should be much reduced and what sound remains would be away from your grow area.


Well-Known Member
You guys have been a great help.

I guess I will place the fan under the house, just under the vent. This way it would be a bit more silent, and if someone did here it, wouldnt think much of it.

The trap door option actually sounds pretty nice. I definitely know not to cut a joist haha, would cause major problems. If I did a trap door, I would probably do something very tiny right next to the vent, just where I could get my arm through to remove the fan if need be.


Well-Known Member
Whelp. I am an idiot. Apparently the ducting in this place is in a subfloor type deal. So to get to it, would be a shitload of hassle.

May go with the 2nd door option. Guessing I could intake air from out in main room and just exhaust into closet? That the idea of the 2nd door?


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear that, not surprised because 'home improvement' projects often become far more involved than they look like they ever would
what about stringing a vent line through the attic? will depend on your house's layout of course


Well-Known Member
Nah. Wouldnt work. The whole vent thing is just out of question now. Saddens me. I thought I finally had it all figured out.

Gunna have to go with the door idea. Which was a good one and glad it was mentioned. Will also get a 5-6000 btu A/c to add in the room the closet is in. Will get another door and just make one vent hole in it for intake, and will exhaust into closet. Hopefully it will work.


Active Member
Nah. Wouldnt work. The whole vent thing is just out of question now. Saddens me. I thought I finally had it all figured out.

Gunna have to go with the door idea. Which was a good one and glad it was mentioned. Will also get a 5-6000 btu A/c to add in the room the closet is in. Will get another door and just make one vent hole in it for intake, and will exhaust into closet. Hopefully it will work.
I have had a very similar situation with my first grow. I didn't have an actual tent but I converted a "small" closet into a room. I ended up getting a small window ac unit for the bedroom window and tried exhausting into the closet. As my babies got bigger Odor and heat became a major issue. My husband is super handy so he figured out how to drill about a 4 inch hole in the back corner of the closet and we installed an exhaust fan and actually vented that under the house. Not ideal its easier to pull the air out the top but in that situation it worked great He said that we bought a a pretty heavy duty fan and that took care of my odor issue and a slight heat issue. Hope u get it figured out.


Well-Known Member
Im hoping the fact that Ill be drawing in nice cold air from about 10feet from the AC unit. Also have a DIY carbon filter which will hopefully kill the smell of the 2 plants.

Not sure just how well the fans I got are. Should be in mail this week. 240 free air cfm tho, so should work nicely.