Please Diagnose my plant (PICS) want to make sure its mg. deficiency

I have a drip system with 400 watt hps light in right now my ppm's are about 310 and my ph level constantly fluctuates from anywhere between when i set it at 5.6 to 7.2, and i adjust my ph levels back to 5.6 about twice to 3 times a day. help is appreciated! :joint:



Well-Known Member
That is not tell-tale Mag deficientcy. Your Ph fluctuations are abnormal, I would diagnose your water first and foremost. I hear of people buying bottled water from the store to fix this. My Ph in my hydro drifts about .1-.2 in a whole week with my city's water. Are you using well water? I would run some tests on a few glasses of water to see what it takes to get it right before I blamed your nutes. Your plant is also underfed, I would feed her 500 - 550 ppm.


If that is the ppms of your tap water than the calcium is locking out the mag. Should try to get ro or filter the water in hydro. What are the nutrients you use? Should cover the rockwool so they don't grow algae or fungus. One plant looks over watered to me.
Hmm i am using pure distilled water with a little purified water, and my nutes are 2 part sensi grow. tommorow i am going to replace water with different pure ditilled water and get different ph down, also thanks for the advice on upping the nutes its just when i first started them i added to much nutes and got burn which also destroyed roots on 3 of them so im not too shure if i should still up my ppms? i guess i should focus all the effort on the healthiest plant and go accordingly.