Please confirm if these are fungus gnats.

Cookie Rider

Well-Known Member
I was gifted an “incredible hulk” cut, and what I think are fungus gnats.
Can anyone please confirm?

I am thinking h202 soak to remedy.

Tried DE on the soil, and sticky traps.
Drying them out and watering lightly-from the top.
Thanks all.
For once I’m glad it’s gnats.
Not root aphids.
It’s an established cut in a 4x4 square container.

Is 3ml/L of 29% h202 a good ratio and method to nuke em out my soil?

I’d like to get this under control before potting up.
Thanks all.
For once I’m glad it’s gnats.
Not root aphids.
It’s an established cut in a 4x4 square container.

Is 3ml/L of 29% h202 a good ratio and method to nuke em out my soil?

I’d like to get this under control before potting up.
Make sure you fetch rid of them tho... they can ruin your plants by eating the roots. Real pain in the ass
Depending how bad the infestation is, I would go as far as to vacuum out the top inch of medium, trying hard not to disturb too much of the top roots. Then give a good soak watering and fill up to the rim of the container with DE. Keep on the sticky traps as @bam0813 stated as well.

I've also been able to knock them back hard with neem oil and mammoth canncontrol soil drench, alternating waterings.

They are persistent little fucks.
So almost an inch of de?

I only dusted the soil surface normally.
And normally it doesn’t do much.

I topped the soil w a layer of perlite,
Again it didn’t do much but makes it easier to see them emerging.
Best method of eradicating those little fuckers is half an inch of fine washed sand like they use in sandpits on top of your growing medium they like to burrow into your medium to lay there eggs and as the eggs hatch and the larvae come to the surface the sand cuts them up. It is very effective i use washed sand now all the time as a preventive measure and it also helps with evaporation this is what you want to use to eliminate the adult gnats I wouldn't waste time with neem oil its really not that effective.
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How small is the cut right now and what size pot? If it is established, it should be able to handle that stress, but if it is a brand new cut and the roots haven't established in the container, it could stress it too much.

I only freak out and vacuum when there is a legit infestation and only when I know the stress won't hurt my girls.
How small is the cut right now and what size pot? If it is established, it should be able to handle that stress, but if it is a brand new cut and the roots haven't established in the container, it could stress it too much.

I only freak out and vacuum when there is a legit infestation and only when I know the stress won't hurt my girls.
It’s a good established cut.
six inches tall I think.
Two months or so since cloned in Rockwool then into soil.
Idea is to mom this one after it was tried outside this year.

I’ve kept it separate from everything else, but need to get everything in one spot. Time is not on my side.
This is the best example I can find of what to look for.
Look at the thorax first, then wing size relative to body.
They can fly around for 10+ days, so plan on keep up on monitoring and treatment for a couple weeks

Wow, that’s a good picture.
Perfect to confirm.
Added de, going to add sand on top.
Letting them dry out more.
Leaves are starting to droop more.
Can you get larvicide? Some states and countries restrict sales.
(Summit mosquito bits or Microbe lift with BTi)
That's the easiest solution, is add it every 10 days or so.
Added sand last night and today no signs of any flying fun guy gnats.
I’m happy about that.

If they are coming out the bottom of the pots drain holes, I’ll have to do something else.
Again was thinking h202 in my bottom watering.

will swap out my sticky traps and update in a few days.