Please advise

I have just discovered that I have stupidly used a timer set to 12/12 in my veg box!
Entirely the fault of that big Buddha which has taken up residence in my front room.
The four fem seedlings in there are about 3 weeks after germ with the first five blade set half formed. As near as I can reckon it they have had two or poss three 12 hour cycles tops.
I have an adjacent flower room with 6 females that I cannot fully isolate which increases my worries.
Please reassure or advise me if you can. Are the four in the box ruined? Will they survive but then herm and leave me with a billion seeds or what?
As you can tell I'm inexperienced and still learning basic lessons.
Could someone please advise me as to my best/safest course of action?
I have learnt so much lurking here, but this problem defies the search function a bit.
Thankyou for reading. Si


Active Member
Wait so the 4 seedlings have been in the box and have only been threw like 3 or 4 12/12 light cycles?

If so just put the light back on 24 man it wont hurt them to much, might delay your harvest a week or 2 but no biggie.

If you kinda sketched about it look up monster cropping and reveging, people switch the lights back all the time and they don't have

hermies, but if one does hermie out it is probably genetics. Hope that helps man,

Thanks mr green thumb that's amazing. I was kind of worried but your rapid response has reassured me. Really kind of you to take the time to answer. Thanks again. Si


Active Member
Hy no problem bro, I to have asked questions before and it is really a downer when you get somebody with a shit responce or no responce

at all. Hope it helps brotha.