Plastic tubing for bong downpipe?

President Kush

Well-Known Member
So my downpipe broke, and I don't wanna wait for an order to come in so I improvised. IIRC, the plastic tubing is some sort of surgical/medical thing my dad used for something; I think he said it was safe to inhale steam through it.

My concern is that I am inhaling plastic byproducts or some shit as a result. It only sticks about 1/4" into the bowl, so the smoke has some time to cool, but who knows. Anyone have any insight or experience with this?



Well-Known Member
ewwww... even the metal is no good.. get sum glass.. the metal is probly worse then the plastic.. at least the plastic has a cracky taste

President Kush

Well-Known Member
Yeah that's a good point. Any idea where I can buy a glass bowl/slider kit for this thing? It's a 16" x 5" glass bong with a 15mm wide hole for the slider piece. I already have an 11mm grubber gromit that came with it.


Active Member
ive smoked out of worse back in the day but yea probably not gonna die but i would think the metal would a pretty good chance of heating the plastic. then again i dont know the type of metal they use


Active Member
either order online or my advice would be take the grommet off, wash it, then bring it into your local smoke shop and find a glass slide to fit da bitchbongsmilie:peace: ... or if you know which one will fit by the size its not necessary.

President Kush

Well-Known Member
either order online or my advice would be take the grommet off, wash it, then bring it into your local smoke shop and find a glass slide to fit da bitchbongsmilie:peace: ... or if you know which one will fit by the size its not necessary.

Yeah that's the thing, I need to know which size to order. I found some 15mm sliders but I'm not sure if they are too long.


Active Member
well your options are to guess and order, measure and order, or ask someone in a smoke shop. take a stick or somthing that will fit through and mark with a sharpie where the stick touches the bottom then measure the mark with a ruler and you know how far you cant go. what type of material is the bong made of?

you should cover the opening and poke several small holes through the bottom of the tube and wa-la: ghetto diffusion:twisted: haha

President Kush

Well-Known Member
It's a big glass bong. The old diffuser shattered to pieces, but it was like 15mm wide and maybe 4-5" long. No smoke shops around here that I know of, so I guess I'll have to try ordering it.

I just smoked out of the thing and took out the plastic tube to feel how hot it gets. It was warm, but nowhere hot enough to melt or anything.


Active Member
hmm you should try poppin the tube in the freezer for like 5 or ten min. before you smoke... not sure if rubber works like that but it would be tight if it cooled your smoke, just an idea :)

President Kush

Well-Known Member
Not a bad idea, it would help the plastic tube not get as hot. I doubt it would affect the smoke, but cooling the tube along with the metal bowl might.

hmm you should try poppin the tube in the freezer for like 5 or ten min. before you smoke... not sure if rubber works like that but it would be tight if it cooled your smoke, just an idea :)


Well-Known Member
that metal is an alloy containing various metals... sum metals such as aluminim can cause alzimers, cancer and various other deseases


I'd just get a new bong babe- it's totally not worth any more brain cells than we're already partying with ;) Good luck

Sr. Verde

Go to a head shop and buy a glass on glass downstem for $8 and then buy a glass on glass bowl for another $8

I have a spare