plastic bags on for humidity or not ?? First grow ......



My girls are 3 days old and powering, i read that plastic bags over the pots act as good propagation devices.... a couple of people just told me to get the bags off ... so what happens to the humidity factor if i take the bags off?
they are 10 autos n look super healthy but its my first grow so could do with getting it right (as possible)

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member
young seedlings like high humidity, but I wouldn't add the bags now as if they are doing well don't finger poke them
Dr. Jekyll

some seedlings do just fine without a dome, we often don't bother unless the room humidity is super low
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
You need a temp and humidity gauge so you may make the correct decision, anything over 55% Rh, leave the bags off


Well-Known Member
The Dr. is in the House and giving you good advice...
EDIT: and vostok and BarnBuster 2..

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde said:
young seedlings like high humidity, but I wouldn't add the bags now as if they are doing well don't finger poke them
Dr. Jekyll

some seedlings do just fine without a dome, we often don't bother unless the room humidity is super low
Mr. Hyde
And if Temps & Humidity in your GR are OK and like you said ~ "My girls are 3 days old and powering" Then the Plastic Bags are not needed...IF unsure the plants will let you know...IF after some time with NO bags they look like they gonna Topple over, then put the Bags back on...But I'm pretty sure this won't be the case and also if Gals are doing fine, Plastic Bags(Which I have used for Clones) and Humidity Domes can cause more problems then help....




Excellent guys , thank you all so much .... well good to have experienced growers guidance .... nice one !!! the bags are history , they just spent theyre first night alone without the bags n are still happy as larry :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
What everyone else said^^^^^^^

Definitely invest in thermometer and hydrometer. You can get a cheap pair(one of each) at any big box pet store for about $10.00. They're with the reptile stuff. A decent digital one(which I would recommend) with min/max feature is a great tool to have and lets you monitor you temps/humidity throughout the day. They run about $30.00.

In veg you want your temps to be 70-80degrees and humidity 50%-80%.