Plants Started Flowering in Spring... How Mad Should I Be?

come on RIU, every time i ask a question on here i get two wrong answers, three guesses, and a load of irrelevant BS...
i had some GDP clones under twenty hours of light for two weeks, and i put a pair outside on april 3rd. they're showing pistils! i'm in the bay area of california... obviously he who told me to go outside after the last frost of the year is one of the many, many people on here who only wish they grew (with any degree of skill, that is) and so spend their time reading and regurgitating information out of context...
here's my question- has anyone any EXPERIENCE with a plant (pref clone not seed) that began to flower early in life and reverted back to vegetative growth, but went on to successfully finish it's cycle? what kind of effect would you say that this had on the quality and yield, if any?
and could this cause hermaphroditism?
thanks for taking the time to recount your EXPERIENCE, ya'all! 1<3View attachment 1568159


Well-Known Member
relax bro, you're not in full flower. alot of indica doms will throw mad preflowers when put out from from clone. it doesn't affect seeds but clones will feel it if the light regimen is night long. you'll be ok, they'll revert back to full veg here in a couple weeks; shouldn't affect anything. hermies aren't a concern so long as you don't have light pollution once they set flowers. good luck.
CASE IN POINT! (the "load of irrelevant BS" is comprised of posts like yours, what do you have to do with the question?)


Well-Known Member
if it's really bumming you out, just set em by an artificial light bulb for an hour at dusk to prolong the light period & they'll stop that shit immediately. and for the record, I'm one of the biggest shit talkers on here, but i love all cannabis plants unconditionally so i want to see them all prosper. :)


Well-Known Member
dude you have 18 posts and you complaining about not getting help? your plants will be fine bro, just let them go. before you know it a few good rains will come through at they will explode with growth and then some solid buds. they look good.
dude you have 18 posts and you complaining about not getting help?
i'll reserve the right to go off-topic, only cuz it's MY thread :)
guess that did sound a little whiney, it's just that of those 18 posts i've gotten about as much useful information as i'd get scanning a hightimes advertisement
i may also be failing to comprehend some aspects of RIU. you make it sound like i'm not getting good answers because i have relatively few posts... so the new people on here get less help?!? how's that work?


Well-Known Member
plants flower when they get 12 hours of darkness. putting them outside, before the days are long enough, will cause them to get enough dark to start to flower. once they start flowering they will continue to do so for weeks. you will end up with new vegetative growth coing out of clusters of calyxes. if you don't remove all these clusters they will later die and start to develop into problems. mildew, bud rot, mold, ....

i have a "volunteer" that has been outside all winter. it popped up from fallen seed off last years plants. it just started showing little bud clusters last week. my wife and i went thru and plucked them all off. by removing these clusters it should help to stop flowering and get things back into veg mode. it's going be a big bushy plant before it's all over, .... 005.jpg007.jpg


Well-Known Member
I see some very good advise from bobbypyn right there Diesel. Treat RIU like life, come across in a friendly way and you generally get nice people posting answers (i.e you get the good side of people) A forum lacks all the subtlety of real life in that you have no idea of body language, and in most case tone (due to the fact that written language is an art form that requires skill to get your accurate point of view and feeling across 100%, and even then people have different ways of taking what you say.)

Regarding your original question, I wouldn't concern myself with pre-flower, I have some pre-flowers on clones that go back a good while and they veg fine. Even in a re-veg I still think a plant can produce a decent amount of quality bud, and shoot me down for saying this, but I think they actually finish quicker re-vegged plants that are put back into flower (or re-vegged clones that I have done certainly seem to) I recently had experience with this re-vegging a DOG kush clone and a DPQ clone that I had taken from the donor plants near the end of flower.

I hope that helps.

I wish you luck with your grow and hope to see the Bay Area some day in my life, all I hear are good things about it. Thizz is what it is!

Peace from the Dam,



Well-Known Member
i'll reserve the right to go off-topic, only cuz it's MY thread :)
guess that did sound a little whiney, it's just that of those 18 posts i've gotten about as much useful information as i'd get scanning a hightimes advertisement
i may also be failing to comprehend some aspects of RIU. you make it sound like i'm not getting good answers because i have relatively few posts... so the new people on here get less help?!? how's that work?
yes thats exactly what i meant. that all new members can go window licking together and find somewhere else to learn how to grow...
c'mon man are you fucking serious? you have no idea how many people spend there time on here helping new comers. this is what i was refering to ...

come on RIU, every time i ask a question on here i get two wrong answers, three guesses, and a load of irrelevant BS...
obviously he who told me to go outside after the last frost of the year is one of the many, many people on here who only wish they grew (with any degree of skill, that is) and so spend their time reading and regurgitating information out of context...
here's my question- has anyone any EXPERIENCE with a plant (pref clone not seed) that began to flower early in life and reverted back to vegetative growth, but went on to successfully finish it's cycle? what kind of effect would you say that this had on the quality and yield, if any?
and could this cause hermaphroditism?
thanks for taking the time to recount your EXPERIENCE, ya'all! 1<3View attachment 1568159
I checked out your started threads...Green light disrupt plants? spacing questions? why dont you try using the search bar before you come on here acting like a 12 year old piss ant who just busted his first nut right on his first armpit hair and ask questions that would take you less then a minute to find the answer of luck dude


Well-Known Member
it's all human nature really...if an 8 year old run up you and kicked you in the shin, would you give them a shiny quarter for saving you the trouble?

many new folk use places like this for an FAQ when it's really just a forum....older users get cranky at certain times of year when there is an influx of the same annual round of questions.
some ignore all new members questions to avoid raising their blood is generally assumed most new grower questions are resolved with a few minutes of googling
they are all to often correct....sadly the cycle continues
being among the swarm an honest to goodness rare little talked about question pops up from a new grower, and it is missed due to being quickly buried in the flood of gibbering competing threads poping up every few minutes

or the new user by way of first post forbids all but experienced growers from commenting or laying down personal rules and generally attacking the forum in general.
alas...i am still on my first crop and won't be "experienced" for another decade or so...and my post is filled with dung....

my apologies.



Well-Known Member
infraction are now being given.

if you don't have anything nice to say, .........................

thank you. :)


Well-Known Member
plants flower when they get 12 hours of darkness. putting them outside, before the days are long enough, will cause them to get enough dark to start to flower. once they start flowering they will continue to do so for weeks. you will end up with new vegetative growth coing out of clusters of calyxes. if you don't remove all these clusters they will later die and start to develop into problems. mildew, bud rot, mold, ....

i have a "volunteer" that has been outside all winter. it popped up from fallen seed off last years plants. it just started showing little bud clusters last week. my wife and i went thru and plucked them all off. by removing these clusters it should help to stop flowering and get things back into veg mode. it's going be a big bushy plant before it's all over, .... View attachment 1568378View attachment 1568385
I would be interested to see if it finishes early. Have you seen plants finishing earlier after going through a reveg?
excellent advice, not at all exemplifying the pointless filler that clogs this place up. my "attitude may suck" because of posts from people like you and "cowboylogic" outnumbering anything even remotely educational. but it's good to know that you "decided not to help" and justify your spammy lack of content by assuming others do the same...


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU.... That is not at all what he meant.... he meant that you have no patience. You also have to realize that these forums are open to anyone who wishes to join and follow the rules. That means anyone that wants to can respond. It is up to you to use your judgment as to whose advice you'll trust... That is why we use the REPUTATION points system.... just like any other forum with bars or panels under or near the screen name or avatar. Replies from those with one REP mark like yourself would probably undergo extra scrutiny. You'll learn as you are here who to listen to and whom not to. There are a lot of people here who have never grown the first plant and are just learning while thinking about taking the first step. Sometimes they give book advice, or myth advice; repeating a myth they read here or elsewhere on the internet.

It all boils down to attitude..... if you display general disrespect for a site based on a couple of responses that had bad advice, people that feel loyalty to the site will probably resent you and feel a lot less like helping you. You catch more flies with honey than with shit.... ;)

Again, welcome to RIU...

View attachment 1568481

i'll reserve the right to go off-topic, only cuz it's MY thread :)
guess that did sound a little whiney, it's just that of those 18 posts i've gotten about as much useful information as i'd get scanning a hightimes advertisement
i may also be failing to comprehend some aspects of RIU. you make it sound like i'm not getting good answers because i have relatively few posts... so the new people on here get less help?!? how's that work?


Well-Known Member
in order for an experienced grower to answer the question of affecting yields one would have to run a double blind grow man....

you're talking like what? 1 grower out of a million that has time or resources to do that kind of stuff?
pulled that number out of my ass, you have more favorable figures you'd like to use?
I'm sure we can agree there aren't very many of them...

why would you be angry no one responds or that the responses you get are at best....mere guesswork?

you boxed yourself in on your first post man...we keep telling you pay it no mind...but you say it's wrong.

i want to know how do you know it's wrong?


Well-Known Member
I would be interested to see if it finishes early. Have you seen plants finishing earlier after going through a reveg?
no, they finish the same time they normally would. it's triggered by the light cycle. unless they never fully revert back to veg.

i have been putting plants out too early and seeing this for years now. i finally backed off this year and have yet to put anything outside. typically i'd have my whole garden in by now. i'm tired of dealing with funky plants so i'm waiting a little later this year.


Moderatrix of Journals
come on RIU, every time i ask a question on here i get two wrong answers, three guesses, and a load of irrelevant BS...
unfortunately, this is an anonymous public forum.... you're not going to have a very good time doing information-gathering here if you're not prepared to wade through a certain amount of bs... my advice on that front would be to take a boo around to figure out who's opinions seem most sound, and only take step-by-step advice from them. if you're doing OD, it's probably best to find someone in or around your area, as well.... for instance, "putting them outside after the last frost" IS kinda OD grower logic, but to me, that means more like after may24, so the problems you're encountering right now don't apply to me because i'm not in norcal, so i can't help you with that.

on the flower/veg/revert/hermie front, keep in mind that they behave a bit different outdoors... the flowers often take longer (both to set and to finish), and they stretch more in flower than they do indoors. that's just the nature of the beast. and, if they're OD, chances are they're doing what nature intended and they're going to finish up when all their sisters do.... don't panic, mother nature has been gardening way longer than you have ;)


Well-Known Member
for the record, and in this OPs defense, the search function here licks balls. Just for shits & giggles I searched a few basic things & the results were less than stellar IMO. 50k results with 896 pages each; you may or may not find your search term in its order requested. but whatever, that's why i don't trip on "why are my leaves yellow?!!?" questions; I remember what it was like before i knew everything. :)