Plants Perspiring Help!

What would cause plants to perspire?

Long story short, our tent went from low humidity (45% or less) to high humidity (60% or more) when we added CO2 and took away a fan blowing in from the outside, and now when we open the tent in the morning (our lights are on 7p-7a) the left wall and the front left door panel are dripping wet with condensation.

We noticed last night that some of our emitters weren't working and replaced them all and that made the problem worse. We water once an hour for 15 minutes. Could we be overwatering?


Well-Known Member
hmm... the main cause I believe is the fact that the plants are alive and healthy. additional causes maybe evolution, god, etc.

and seriously: it's quite normal for plants to transpire and create humidity, it's actually a sign of good health and roots. 60-70% RH is good in veg, not so good in flower. the only way to combat it, beside a dehumidifier which is quite expensive, is to vent it out.