plants leaning over

I checked on my girls this morning and they (one especially) is leaning over and looking like they may fall. Help!

Here are the facts:
-6th week of flowering
-each over 6 ft tall
-in 3 gallon pots (soil)

Things were looking great yesterday, which was a bright sunny day. Over night it rained a lot so pots are saturated. Also yesterday I:
-i trimmed all the big fan leaves to get more sun to lower flowers
-and i started with "Green Fuses Bloom Stimulator" upon suggestion of guy at grow center.

I have tied the plants up so they are standing upright, but I hope i didn't screw things up with trimming and new suppliment.

Any thoughts?

Fingers crossed.


Active Member
tieing them up is not a problem, but i wouldn't have trimmed the fan leaves, the buds draw nutrients from them, and starting bloom nutes this late into flowering probably won't hurt but i would flush them a couple weeks before harvest

Brick Top

New Member
I am not saying it has anything to do with your plant leaning but you should not have cut off the large fan leaves. The large fan leaves are a plant’s largest solar collectors and they are also factories where sugars and other elements are processed to be used right away and also stored for later use. Plants grow more efficiently during hours or darkness while running on stored energy collected during the hours of daylight while the plant takes in light and use it to multitask, to perform many functions at once, the storage of energy for night growth and the production of THC lost during the day due to light degradation are two important functions performed running on stored energy.
Basically you took an all solar home and removed most of its solar collecting capabilities and to boot you hit the kitchen while you were there and removed the stored foods in the panty or in cabinets and in the refrigerator/freezer.


Well-Known Member
I am not saying it has anything to do with your plant leaning but you should not have cut off the large fan leaves. The large fan leaves are a plant’s largest solar collectors and they are also factories where sugars and other elements are processed to be used right away and also stored for later use. Plants grow more efficiently during hours or darkness while running on stored energy collected during the hours of daylight while the plant takes in light and use it to multitask, to perform many functions at once, the storage of energy for night growth and the production of THC lost during the day due to light degradation are two important functions performed running on stored energy.
Basically you took an all solar home and removed most of its solar collecting capabilities and to boot you hit the kitchen while you were there and removed the stored foods in the panty or in cabinets and in the refrigerator/freezer.
Well said kiss-ass


Active Member
Cutting off the fan leaves will really hurt your yield of the buds! Never do that! Tying them up won't hurt them a bit it could be that they are falling over if they are heavy! But tying doesn't hurt a thing!