plants killed


Active Member
hey guys,

over the last couple of weeks ive noticed some of my outdoor plants to be dead. The stem is snapped about a foot from the ground and the top foot or 2 is left wilting on the ground. So it doesnt look like its eating it but any ideas of what it is? Im definately gonna have to try to trap it before it kills the rest of em.



Well-Known Member
look for tracks.. of any kind.. could it be found by people or is it pretty hidden.. deer will tramp plants pretty good.. hell they even tramp 10' corn and leave it all mangled on the ground


Well-Known Member
If theres deer where you live then thats prolly what it is. I had 2 plants eaten and snapped by deer a little while back. One thing you can to to keep animals away is piss in a couple glass jars or containers and leave them around ur plants. The animals smell it and they know its your territory so they stay away.


Well-Known Member
it's deer dude. they like to mess with people and sneak in when nobody's around and fuck plants up, overturn garbage cans, shit like that. they have a really fucked up sense of humour those deer do. :peace:


Active Member
could be borers - i experienced them this year - a grub that will eat its way up the center of the stalk and the plant will snap or bend over at this area - i successfully staked and taped the break with paper tape and plants are growing -the buds are a little smaller then plants not atatcked but they are doing well- pot plants I have found to be very resilient and can still take in nutes and water with a lot of the stalk damaged