Plants growing tall but not bushing

Hello fellow growers. After my first attempt at growing I am having some troubles. My plants have grown tall (about 2 feet) but have not bushed out at all. We are using 3 CLF lights. I have read that I should keep the lights about 2 inches away from the tops of the plants but when I do that I get burnt leaves. I would be happy with any advice for my next attempt to grow.



Active Member
I would assume you have predominantly sativa genetics. CFL's shouldnt be burning leaves that bad, I've always kept mine 3-4 inches above with no problem. Maybe 2 inches is a tad close.


Well-Known Member
if the lights are burning your plant raise it up a inch, also to make your plant bush out you can top it this will make it go bushy and grow 2 main heads instead of the 1. type uncle bens topping guide into google. you might have the light to far away also and the plants might be stretching to reach the light or there might not be enough light which makes the plants tall and stretchy aswell! whats the watts of your cfl?


Active Member
if the lights are burning your plant raise it up a inch.............................. you might have the light to far away also and the plants might be stretching to reach the light or there might not be enough light which makes the plants tall and stretchy aswell!
Contradictions. But you are right about topping. I said it was sativa because he has the lights close.