Plants finally on the mend


Well-Known Member
I have been recently dealing with a lot of plant problems, tried many different things to solve the issue, but as soon as I swapped my light out everything came back to health.
I did not think that working with LEDs would be that big of a change, but I was completely wrong and it’s taken some learning for sure. The last photo of that pollinated bud is a Swazi crossed to strawberries and cream.
Pollinated it again with a male that looked pretty studly.
They were really sick about a week and a half ago and now they are bouncing back and it’s awesome. There is one plant, the Smacdown, she takes a long time to heal, a long time to grow, and out of 10 seeds she was the only one worth anything, everything else mutated, some of the other ones Hermed, but this one has beautiful flowers and the smoke is great. If anything happens to her, like anything, if she
gets to talked to the wrong way she freaks out, gets 3d leaves and stops growing.
Anyway, I just wanted to put this here since every post I have added recently has been sick plants and I finally got everything dialed in after many months of struggling in my new environment with new lights, etc.
I forgot to add, that weird little plant that is not like the others is a Morenga tree,
I planted one of the seeds that I usually take and it grew. I’m just gonna roll with it.
If I ever make a really cool strain I’m gonna give it away to everyone for free. I hope it happens. Hope everyone is doing well, ✌


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