Plants what..


New Member
hey friends,

So I switched my plants to 12/12 light schedule about two weeks ago. The plants starting budding way faster than I planned. I’m curious if there is something more I should be doing now. Im seeing some type of nutrient issue on some leaves. Im currently running with 12/12 lights and water every three days with CalMag added in each watering. Should i be doing something more/less?? This is my first grow so any help or critiism is welcomed..thanks!


Well-Known Member
ask any Canadian no trees maple even weed can get to senscence without consuming a leaf ...?

avoid watering so much yeah maybe later

but simply check first

lift the pot


water or not

as root rot a this stage will make all cry

maybe calmag every 2nd-3rd time

maybe none so you know what to look for...?

its you that needs to know shit

the plant don't

good luck

ps have you a small fan in their the stems seem thin?