plants are still out and look great, still need 2 weeks what tempurature is to cold?


New Member
I have a 4 plant percy patch growing in Ottawa Canada. They are in straight up outdoor dirt, no pots. Its October 10th now and I need to go till the 31st. Now in my mind that's way to late and way to cold, but its been nice out here lately. It gets close to 0 degrees at night but in the day its goes to 20 and 11 hours of straight sun on em. Has anyone ever gone this far or am I nuts? and they don't even have yellow leaves yet only 1 purple leaf.


Well-Known Member
Can they make it through just one more week?
Depending on your strain, it may be able to survive a good frosting. I think there's a sticky here in the forum about dealing with frost.


Well-Known Member
it will be hard to get much more growth, the temps are going to be marginal
i'm in upstate ny, your temps should be pretty similar
short of erecting a mini greenhouse over your plants, or bring them inside, your options may be few


New Member
So my issue this year was getting a strain that doesn't seem to flower earlier enough in my area, unfortunate but ill be back next year.


New Member
and fack off I did not see the replies till this morning. I always appreciate a reply from people who are willing to share there experience, I know many experienced growers don['t like to waste their time and rather us learn for our selves, but its much appreciated trust me.


New Member
Ok so I looked at the 14 day forecast and we are not expecting any weather colder that 5 degrees and that's the lowest number I can find for the most part its going to be sunny and over 15 degrees.


Active Member
As long as you're above freezing you should be fine. You could also use a fan if you're only going to go below freezing for a few minutes to an hour in the early morning. It should keep the air moving enough not to freeze your plants. We have a lot of citrus farms around here and they got big fans that turn on if it goes below freezing but that only happens a few days out of the year around here. If your forecast looks good then keep going. I'd just keep an eye on the forecast and as long as you're above freezing you'll be fine.


Staff member
i live close to ottawa you'll be fine im an outdoor grower in ontario canada you will be fine i promise you. its supposed to be nice for the next few weeks anyways


Well-Known Member
Budrot seems to be more of problem for me at least, my plants have seen 3 frosts with no noticable damage, but I am constantly cutting of rotten buds. Havn't lost too much cause they get checked daily. Due to my work schedule next week they are coming down this wkend at about 7wks of flowering.