Plants are males! Bummer! What to do?

Hi i have been growing my first crop now for a few months, the plant have been in florwering for about a week now and are 100% males. CRAP

I was thinking about making some hash out of them!

Is it worth my time or am i just wasting it?

Do you have to dry the plants out to make the hash using the Gumby's method?

Need some help, or someone just to tell me not to bother and get on with the next lot.....

Which are power Africa Feminised!

You aren't gonna have enough to make a hit of hash even unless you have hundreds of heavily crystalized nutts so I would just toss em and start over. If you had some female cuttings to add it might be worth it but seems like a lot of work for lil to nothing.
your not gonna get any hash but you could collect pollen, only really worth it if you plan on selling seeds or somethin, but then again it doesn't seem like these plants have the genetics you would want any more of.

Thought i mite be wasting my time, its crap months wasted!

o well all experience i suppose, wont ever use unfemisied seeds again!