Planting when the soil looks like this??


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! So i was off for 10 days and thought id plant the seeds before i leave. I definitely covered them too much... plus extra water on the tray then i came back to this

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Question is, can i plant other seeds in this state of the soil?? Is this particular mold a problem if all parameters are in check constantly? temp, rh
Could i cover it with smore compost and forget about it? Cheers guys :leaf:
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Without a microscopic view and a lot of knowledge about identifying molds/fungus there's no way to tell for sure. It's probably OK, it could easily be a mycorrihizal fungus, looks like little fruiting bodies (white balls) on the ends of the fungus. I'd mix it in and let that soil dry out quite a bit, maybe start with just one seed and see what happens. The soil definitely got too wet! I'm assuming the seeds never germinated.
Thankfully not a total loss, 4/9 came through.
Ill just go with it then. Prob scrape a bit of topsoil and see how it goes cause the seedlings that made it look fine
For the follow up, it all worked out. Top soil mold cant stop the organic train classic :p
Just transplanted 4 plants this go so i guess itll be 50 days in veg at least. YEAH !!

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