PLanting Clones Outdoor Help


Active Member
I need a little advice. I am getting clones from a club and then planting them in pots outdoors. 2 out of my four clones are suffering big time and probably wont make it. I'll have to get a few more. Any experienced growers could you please give me some advice on taking indoor clones and transplanting them outdoor? Is there a solution I can get that will help them out. It sucks spending $20 on a clone only to have it die.

Thanks for the advice


Well-Known Member
What you need to do it grow them out indoors for about 2 weeks till they develop a healthy and strong root system and they should be ready for the outdoors after that.


Active Member
The only problem is I dont have an indoor set up. Should I let them hang out in the rock wool overnight before planting. I'll ask them at the shop. Thanks though, Any other suggestions would be helpful, thanks


Active Member

I am having same problem. Bought mine at store and transplanted yesterday now they look like they might now make it . Can u give me any tips?
