planter or preped ground for outdoor grow?


Well-Known Member
ive been doing some research on this subject and thought some input from people who have done both would help. thanx


Active Member
I have always grown inground as it allows the roots to stretch out more in search of nutrients and water, this stretching is good because it allows the plant to be bigger as root mass is directly related to plant size. So the larger your root mass is the bigger your plant will be. Just be sure that you have good growing soil where your going to plant and even if you dont there are a lot of products out there to treat your soil. best of luck.


Well-Known Member
I always use a planter. But I don't live on several acrea. 5 gallon container will allow your plant to get big (I have had 7 footers) but still allow you to move them or rotate. Perhaps to spray for bugs or move if your neignbors get too interested. Plus when you plant again there in no root ball to deal with in the soil.


Active Member
Hey Delta9, have you ever had the delta-9 oil? it gets u split off your ass when u put it on a blunt (granddaddy purpish), or just take one hit, even if you smoke everyday, it will knock you on your ass, it is a light yellow ball of just about pure thc , way better than hash, it 'cracks up' when you melt it down into a liquid, it is insane, only a few people in a bay area know how to make it, they wont tell a sole, it sells for about 100$ a GRAM! at the club, but we get it for much cheaper cuz he gives the guy trim to make it (only very very good trim or just bud can make it) yeeeeeeeee:joint: