plant wilting bottom leaves????


here are my plants. in soil grow. 2 weeks into flower. i watered them sunday. it is now thursday. gave them a watering today. the lower leaves are wilting. is it cos they need watering? Ive flushed 1 plant to see if it is nute burn. 3x the amount of the pot. if anyone has any idea what it could be.... my temps are fine and i have fans blowing on the top of the leaves and light..... i have a 250 cfl and a 125 cfl on these babies........ growing northern lights, power skunk. i dnt want them to go under too much stress as this is happening too often.


Del Boy

They look over watered, hence the droopy leafs - are you allowing the soil to dry out between watering?

your increasing the risk of root rot - dont give them anything else for a few days to see if they pick up

What nutes are you using?


They look over watered, hence the droopy leafs - are you allowing the soil to dry out between watering?

your increasing the risk of root rot - dont give them anything else for a few days to see if they pick up

What nutes are you using?
yes the soil was completely dry. crumbly actually. im using canna flores for the flowerring stage and canna vega for the veg. Ive also got big bud for the flowering. I decided not to use any nutes and give one plant a good flush. cnt be over water because the soil was defo dry. maybe underwatering?

Del Boy

Always water so you get a bit of run out at the bottom of the pot - they will be fine
you dont want to stress the plants out too much as they might Hermie

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Don't water so much, thats a common thing with people, they think more water = better. Not true, actually less water is better. See you want less water so the roots go looking for water which = better root structure. With more water the roots just soak in water and can cause fungus/mold/root rot.

Just let them dry out alot and then give them water.


I have seen from my plants, when its to hot and not enough water the leaves will hang like that. So it's either or. lift your pots and if their really light they NEED water. If their really heavy they DONT need water.

Also if you haven't been feeding them, make sure when you start us 1/4 strength for a couple days.

Good Luck