Plant still not flowering


Well-Known Member
Hello beautiful people! My plant is still not in flowering stage. A neighbors motion light comes on alot could that be the reason? She is a pure Sativa strain which takes longer anyway and I'm afraid at this rate she won't be ready till Christmas


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You got bugs man.......look under the leaves with the white spots.
Yes I just discovered them I think some are aphids, definitely some sort of spider and I'm not sure what is making these little dots on the leaves. I am going to hit her with neem oil this evening when it cools off


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Looks like spider mites and you have to kill the adults and the eggs. Make sure you soak the underside of the leaves as that's where they like to lay eggs and hide. You can try looking up the ratio for Citric acid to use and that's a good miticide that you can use in flower. Neem will ruin buds if applied during flower. Best of luck with them.
How old are your plants? You have to figure on at least 12 weeks and possibly 15 for a pure sativa.
Your plants look very healthy except for the mites, which should be manageable now with the oil.
Look under every leaf and spray if you see eggs.
It's a pain in the ass but has to be done now.
Good luck.
How old are your plants? You have to figure on at least 12 weeks and possibly 15 for a pure sativa.
Your plants look very healthy except for the mites, which should be manageable now with the oil.
Look under every leaf and spray if you see eggs.
It's a pain in the ass but has to be done now.
Good luck.
Thank you for your help it is much appreciated. My plant is roughly 11 weeks old. I am unable to buy any sprays at this time due to lack of funds. I went out intending to spray water on the plant to hopefully get rid of some of the aphids. I filled my hand pump sprayer and sprayed for maybe 10 seconds then I said the hell with this and got out my hose and watering nozzle, I set it to shower and went to town, I sprayed the shit out of it for like 15 mins and got underneath the leaves really good it is dark so I cannot see the results till morning. I was pretty aggresive with the spraying so I think I will let her rest up for a day then douse it really good with neem oil which is all I have. I wish I could grow indoors to avoid all these pests but that's not possible right now. I was really bummed the plant is still not in flower but I guess now it's a good thing as I have some time to eradicate these damn bugs. Thanks again to everyone who has taken the time to help me, you folks are awesome!! :peace:
i am currently growing a sativa outdoors it is 6ft tall its been in flower for like 2 weeks already i dont think the motion lights have anything to do with her not being in flower because in my back yard my neighbor has a metal halide light setup that turns on at night and the metal halide light shines on my plant all night long and she still went into flower :D
Yes I just discovered them I think some are aphids, definitely some sort of spider and I'm not sure what is making these little dots on the leaves. I am going to hit her with neem oil this evening when it cools off
Kinda looks "thrippy" to me, you've also got aphids and maybe "the borg" (spider mites). Spray now before it goes into flower. Once it's in flower, your choices are limited.
Don’t overlook predator mites. They are carnivores. They won’t harm plants. Once they’ve eaten all the prey they die. Release in 2 batches. One for the active bugs. The second timed for after egg hatch.
He's outdoors, so while great in tents/greenhouses, the predatory bugs, in my experience, aren't nearly as effective outdoors.