Plant size??


Active Member
Hey guy, how big do you think I should let my plants grow to before putting them outside. Right now they are about 4-6 inches high and have 3-5 sets of leaves, including the first two round ones which have died off by now because of coverage from the bigger leaves. Are they ready to go out yet or should I wait.


PS - Ill take some pics and post them


Well-Known Member
i try to get them as big as possible. it will help them with stand all of the elements. look in my gallery to see the ones i will be putting outside. the clones will be vegged for a feew weeks under a 1000w hps. the bigger the better. you have plenty of time. are they inside right now. if so what kind of light and if not they should be in huge pots. with good soil and high Phosphorus for the roots


Well-Known Member
yeah the longer the better, though let it get too big and moving it outside could be a bit obvious.