plant question


Active Member
this question is about yields of growing indoor using a 1000w light for example.

from what i know the best outcome you can get from 1000 watts is 1000 grams. so lets say you were to grow 1 plant with 1000w in perfect condintions, does that mean you can yeald up to 1000 grams from one plant in one harvest? thats seems a bit much to me. also if you were to grow 2 plants with 1000w it would be 500 grams per plant per harvest.

to simplify my question as much as i can. is it possible to harvest the same yeild from one plant as you would from 15 in the exact same settings and just the 1 1000w light. i dont think this sounds right cause you would think if it worked that way people would grow just one plant so im sure im wrong but it doesnt hurt to ask.


Well-Known Member
no such thing as a free lunch. the yield figures per watt of light assume you are using all of the effective grow space.