Plant problems


I have some plants growing under cfls with dried out leaves and curling tips is it because the plants are to close to the light or is it because there is tinfoil. I have flushed them yesterday and replanted them in mriacle grow seedling mix and they are still drying out any tips?


Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
Whats the color temp on your cfls? At this stage you may want to try using the 5500K-6500K cfls. Also, Miracle grow, from my personal exp, is not the best soil to use on seedlings cuz it burns em up. Tin foil should not be a problem here cuz your using cfls and they dont' emit much heat anyway.


i have some brown spots starting on my leafs now. i had my areo grow system in my closet for awhile then moved it into the garage into a cabniet. now one of the leafs just started to get brown spots on them and i dont know why any ideas ? they are about a foot high and i spray them with a mist of water 2-3 times a day could it be to much water ? please help.

