Active Member
I would like t send pics with this but cant figure out how so this will have to do or now!I been growin this strain for 1 month and 3 weeks now.Its in soil and still in veg.I been usin all purpose plant food 12-4-8. i water only when it needs it,(once every 2 or 3 days).Ph levels are fine everything seems to be fine but all of my upper leaves are now saggin alot.I looked at them this morning while under the light and they looked fine. i came back about 2 hours later and the first two sections of leaves onmy highest part of my plant are now saggin really low,so low that their actually leanin on other leaves two levels below.the stem which are connected to the leaves are about 2 1/2 inches long each!!Im not sure y these leaves are doin this now?!?!I dont think it could be overwaterin?!the leaves are a healthy lookin green color too.Could it just be that the fans are gettin too heavy for the stems to hold???any help would be great.possibly save my plant so help!!!!!