Plant problem (with pics) anyone know what this is?


Active Member

Sorry for the mass of photos was having a hard time with the camera but anyways theese spots started appearing a few days ago and just have progressed at first i thought it was a calcium def but i put some calmag in yesterday before i left and when i got back it seemed to progress even further

On a side note im using Dr Earths bud and bloom calmag and molasses atm


Active Member
only the bigger fan leaves are really afflicted with it but the lower fan leaves are starting to do the same just not nearly as bad


Well-Known Member
Wow, major nute problem ( burn or deficiency, not enough info to make a diagnosis ) and possible bug problem. Why did you wait so long to ask for help?


Active Member
ive barly been adding any nutes to it theres no bugs and i thought it was a calcium def but the calmag i used last night just seemed to progress the issues further i can try and snap a few more pics if you want but with the light on its a bitch

P.S. that picture is mostly of the same leaf theres small signs on a lot of the leaves but the bigger fan leaves are progressing quickest with what ever this is


Well-Known Member
If its not Nutes? or Bugs?..did you check with microscope then Heat? how you growing? what Strain? only reason I ask is I have some WhiteWidow X Skunk #1 doing a similar thing...Though no where nr as bad..

I Did find some Thrips and Spidermites on some of my Ladies...So Nuked the lot with Neem Oil and then Plant Vitality+ a few days later..but still got a few Bad leaves?

Hope you manage to sort it m8


Well-Known Member
The cal/mag will not reverse the problems already present, only prevent the same problem ( if that was your problem ) from occurring in new growth. Not sure how old the plant is and what soil you are growing in, but I'd say you might want to think about feeding her something besides water.


Active Member
I had a problem with thrips in veg but i THOUGHT i got them all cant seem to see any anywhere on the plant and its a WhiteWidow X Afgan goo X White Queen i sprayed with neem oil and "safer" brand insecticide soap for 2 weeks before i threw her into flower and its as bad with the rest of the plant the bigger fan leaves are whats afflicted the most


Active Member
i dont just feed water i top dress with Dr.Earths Bud and bloom Booster 4-10-7 but not every time of course and in no way did i expect it to reverse the damage but it progressed further over night after i put in the calmag and molasses as for the soil i took this plant over for my grandfather who sadly started it in miricale grow soil /wrist the moisture control one at that.


Active Member
and no i dont have a scope yet and its not heat because its not the top of the plant its middle where my biggest fan leaves are


Well-Known Member
Try grab a Scope man, I missed seeing the Lil buggers until I used one..Gonna Bomb Room after Grow...

I heard Miracle grow is a bit#h of my worries was Soil/Compost when I started 1st Grow..

I've even laid of the Grow part(BioBizz) of my Nutes with the Widow...

Kinda why I looked at this Post :eyesmoke: see if could find anymore clues..



Active Member
well good luck with yours im hoping for the best aswell i hate growing in this damn soil but hey what can i do it wasnt me who started this (i would of done it a lot dif) I didn't take this plant over for him tell it was about 8 weeks old i spruced it up she was looking very unhealthy over watering and thrips but i vegged for 2 more weeks fixed that problem and threw her into flower she was looking amazing until theese spots started showing up


Well-Known Member
Just my 2 cents... It looks like you need to add some N to your mixture and stop using molasses. I've seen it yellow out the leaves before, I think it locks out N but not sure about that.


Active Member
anyone else maybe have any idea what this is caused by? (i prefer getting multiple opinions i take everything on this site with a grain of salt)


New Member
Scrape your fingers through the soil, do bugs start coming out? If so, that's part of the problem. Stop putting anything in the soil. You have severe nute lockout more than likely. Pour 3 times the pot size in water through it and flush the crap out of it. Miracle Grow is the worst possible soil you can put your plants in. What's the humidity like in there? It's a root issue. Are you using beneficial bacteria?


Well-Known Member
Honestly, it looks like phosphorus deficiency to me. I highly recommend you take pictures without the HPS next time. Color is a big indicator of what is happening with your plant.



Active Member
so first my pots are 5 gall second they are little bugs like fruit nats they dont look like fungas gnat third its def not a root issue unless you mean rootbound i can see the bottem of my roots because of holes i cut in for drainage they are super super white the soil has extreeme problems with drainage and i use doc earths bud and bloom wich has what i think are thos and ill try and get some pics without the light thx for all the input rep for all

ps there like 3 weeks into flower ill double check dates tomorrow


Active Member
here are all the pics ive taken from start to finish might help the new growth is healthy the biggest budding pics are the most recent a few days ago besides the leave there the most most recent they were taken today as the problem proggressed even FURTHER After giving it more dr earths bud and bloom 4-10-7 1 tbs of molasses and 2 tsp of calmag last night

takes a min to upload them all