Plant problem or THC?


Well-Known Member

I'm a little bit pissed off right now...

I have a 11 day old seedling with these tiny white specs which I assumed were bugs, So I sprayed a 50/1 laundry soap solution all over my little baby earlier but I just found this thread over at


This is what my plant looks like exactly, I couldn't find a picture of it until now.

Do people agree that this is indeed THC?


Well-Known Member
Well the fact that it's not bugs or a problem makes my heart sink now that I there's soapy solution on my girl :(

another thing I'm reading about is symbiotic root fungi...

I had this stuff in my first setup but freaked out when I saw white fuzzy fungi growing in the soil, Apparently it increased yield and is nothing to worry about :( She was honestly
chugging along so well until the swap but how the hell am I supposed to know that white mold is actually good... Learn something new every day I guess

I changed the soil to Miracle grow since ..


Well-Known Member
I've seen this before...let the plant grow as usual...I'm sure I've smoked something from one of those plants in the last 7 days. Nothing out of the ordinary.


Well-Known Member
Those triches dont have thc in them. They're a different kind of trichome. Did you read the responses in the link?


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about soap on those leaves -- as the plant grows out, those will be nowhere near a bud site! They'll probably fall off in a month or so. You're good!