plant please


Active Member
does any one have an idea what is wrong here, its only on two of the leaves and they leaves are right next to each other, its a blue himalaya, exactly 6 weeks old today, been ph testing the water to 6.5 - 7, i have only gave it nutes twice and that has been in the last week and a half, it was miracle grow.............. :roll: i water rougthly every 3 days or so, all other leaves are doing fine, heres the pics


Active Member
I'd give it a few days and just monitor them. The side of the leaf could have been moisture that magnified the light.
The tip of the leaf? I have plenty of leaves like that (almost all are fan leaves). Just the tip and the rest of the leaf is just fine.
I can't recall the thread, but I do recall reading that this is common when switching to 12/12. Are you in flower now?


Active Member
yeah its in flower, forgot to mention that its an autoflower, i was thinking maybe water on the leaf aswell but theres never water near that part of the plant, that i know of anyway lol


Well-Known Member
I'd give it a few days and just monitor them. The side of the leaf could have been moisture that magnified the light.
The tip of the leaf? I have plenty of leaves like that (almost all are fan leaves). Just the tip and the rest of the leaf is just fine.
I can't recall the thread, but I do recall reading that this is common when switching to 12/12. Are you in flower now?
there shouldn't be any damage tot he leaves on the switch to 12/12.

what gets me about this problem is that the OP says he has only fed twice. Yet the leaves are an intense dark green. Beautifully healthy.

even though you've only fed twice i think you've reached the salt limit in the medium and the damage you see is from a slight over fertilisation.

Not sure why, it must be the Miracle Grow nutes. are they the powdered kind?

feed plain water, and next time don't go so strong with the nutes... buy some better nutes if you can.


Active Member
yeah i deffo need better nutes, no they are not the powder kind, it says on the bottle azalea, camellia and rhododendron, the npk is 6-4-6


Well-Known Member
i think it is more to do with the types of nitrogen used by Miracle Gro.

read the back of the bottle and it will show you what the different types of nitrogen used are.