Plant Ownership

tony nice

:!::!:Ok so heres the story.... Beggining of this year a friend tried to grow in his attic he had about 11 plants all died but one and he lives with his parents so he couldnt really grow it even if he wanted to so we put the plant outside behhind a shed it obviously wasnt going to grow without getting direct sunlight so the plant barely grew for awhile and one day i dug her up and brought her to mine and she has open sunshine SO ive been taking care of this thing everyday for the last 6 months and now my friend is expecting over an Oz. for free, So i confronted him about this and said ill do him 200 for the oz.. he says he was being nice and would give me half of it when it was it was done and that was the deal we talked about long ago. But it wasnt and as time went by i had been telling him i would give him some but he always acted like it was his even tho ive been growing it since 3 weeks old probably and i told him id give him a little share but now that its coming close he thinks he takes an oz for free

What should i do with this "friend"?


Active Member
Weed and friends do not mix lol. I have the same problem with my flatemate, he's expecting 50% from this grow even though I put 95% of the money into it, the work, time, energy, research and they're in my room! I told him to go fuck himself basically and be happy with what he gets. If you have been looking after the plant the majority of the time then it's your plant - I would give him some of the weed as he's your friend and there's no point falling out over a plant. It's a sticky situation, just use your best judgement and make your points clear and concise to show you are not being greedy.


Active Member
Thats how much I would get if I sold mine to a dealer where I am n then he'd go on to sell it for around 250+ - hard times man

tony nice

Weed and friends do not mix lol. I have the same problem with my flatemate, he's expecting 50% from this grow even though I put 95% of the money into it, the work, time, energy, research and they're in my room! I told him to go fuck himself basically and be happy with what he gets. If you have been looking after the plant the majority of the time then it's your plant - I would give him some of the weed as he's your friend and there's no point falling out over a plant. It's a sticky situation, just use your best judgement and make your points clear and concise to show you are not being greedy.
AHHH yes it is quite the headache! he is very greedy himslef tho which is why we have this problem and hes quite stubborn too

and now were battling about it now,!! VERY HEATED


Active Member
Perhaps he was just 'testing the waters' as I think my flatmate was? Just don't lose a good friend (Good friend or just friend?) over a plant, you could always split it with him and then grow your own next time. I'm pretty generous with my weed but I'll always keep ownership. I don't mind my flatmate coming into my room everyday to nab a bud as long as the jars stay in MY room :)


Well-Known Member
He sounds like a whiney-weenie. I'd tell him to piss off or put in some work if wants sweet ganj.


Well-Known Member
one day i dug her up and brought her to mine
You trespassed, defaced property and stole his plant. You are a thief. You stole a plant that wasn't yours to take.

Not only do you owe your friend every gram from that plant, you owe him an apology.

tony nice

Perhaps he was just 'testing the waters' as I think my flatmate was? Just don't lose a good friend (Good friend or just friend?) over a plant, you could always split it with him and then grow your own next time. I'm pretty generous with my weed but I'll always keep ownership. I don't mind my flatmate coming into my room everyday to nab a bud as long as the jars stay in MY room :)
No hes not testing the waters he saying like ..i started that fucking thing in my attic took the risk of getting pulled over with it to bring it to yours and he says another friend of ours warned him about this situation and said id do this and he says here u go doiuing what everyone said you would"

tony nice

You trespassed, defaced property and stole his plant. You are a thief. You stole a plant that wasn't yours to take.

Not only do you own your friend every gram from that plant, you owe him an apology.
No i told him i was taking it and i moved it to mine with him he couldnt grow it at his place and he wasnt gunna try so we moved it and since that day i have been taking care of it everyday


Active Member
Well, I see two options, either you swallow your pride and give him what he wants and stay friends or you tell him to fuck off and probably end up not being friends anymore - It's up to you really, is the friendship worth taking a knock for 1 plant?


Active Member
You trespassed, defaced property and stole his plant. You are a thief. You stole a plant that wasn't yours to take.

Not only do you own your friend every gram from that plant, you owe him an apology.
If you read the post properly you probably would of worked out his friend new he took the plant. What? You think he took the plant for 6 months without his friend noticing lol?


Well-Known Member
Splitting it isn't fair. You've put in all of the work and he had to rely on you to grow it. If there wasn't any place for him to grow the buds there would be no buds at all. Since you have taken the risk and the responsibility at this point it's you that decides what happens with the bounty.

tony nice

Well, I see two options, either you swallow your pride and give him what he wants and stay friends or you tell him to fuck off and probably end up not being friends anymore - It's up to you really, is the friendship worth taking a knock for 1 plant?
ehhh hes turned into more of a user of people than a friend FOR INSTANCE.. i have a purtty sweet moped i let him use it all summer long he gives it back to me with the fucking forks snapped on it cuz he jumped the fucking thing took me 3 months to get 60 from him to replace them with used ones and this took 3 months of arguing for him to finally give me the 60 but we hang like everyday which is why its fucked