Plant is drooping - Please tell me whats wrong?


Well-Known Member
Any drainage holes! I'd ditch that container there in. When you water try and do the sides not the main stem. What do you have for lighting? It doesn't look to bad.


Active Member
The leaves are just telling you it has too much water. Water with less volume and make sure you have drainage holes. Next time mix some perlite into your dirt to help with drainage and water retention problems.


Well-Known Member
Yes it's over watering water when it's dry about a fingers length a little shorter and pick it up before you water and after so you can tell just by picking it up if it needs water. Every four days is probably Okay if your in a three gallon to six gallon.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
yea over watered or your soil is just to compacted and suffocating your roots of fresh air. after you have fixed that problem you should start a light feeding schedule when i say light i do mean light she is small with only a couple leaves think to your self how much food could this girl possible use.. not much. if you do have a problem with cold temps at night i have used a heating pad on low if you can keep the roots warm you will have a much happier plant.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
I would also like to add, im guessing you are using cfls you should look into low stress training you can either bend her over and tie her down or grow her into a screen. to maximize your yeild you could even triple your yeild if you take your time and research, the purpose of this is to minimize height and maximize width. with is best suited for cfl use. try it once with cfls you will never go back..


Active Member
As others have stated, it could be a few issues, but again, what are your temps? Just so they can be ruled out, as I had a plant that suffered an identical looking problem that was caused by low night-time/lights-off temps. But as others say, it could be an over-watering issue, but there is a lot of dry soil in that container aswell...


Active Member
I would also like to add, im guessing you are using cfls you should look into low stress training you can either bend her over and tie her down or grow her into a screen. to maximize your yeild you could even triple your yeild if you take your time and research, the purpose of this is to minimize height and maximize width. with is best suited for cfl use. try it once with cfls you will never go back..
Some good advice.