Plant in bloom can i use BT for Caterpillers


Hi this is my first time growing and i have a three foot purple urkle in my back yard , its done great until recently i noticed a couple of caterpillers , it has been blooming for four weeks now and am planning to harvest some time in early oct is it to late to use bt or should i just keep picking them off? i am afraid they will take over and it looks great , it is very sticky and pungent i feel it may be to late , PLEASE HELP....:-(


Well-Known Member
just pick them off, or just let them kick it on the plants.. they love bud, haven't you seen alice in wonderland?

either way don't kill the caterpillers.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
You can try Sevin, and let it flower an extra week to make sure it gets out of it.


I have been checking it daily and have found some eggs and scraped them off but today i found 3 caterpillars and am going to try something tomorrow dont want to loose it to them bugs , damn it smells great and stays with you , cant wash off and its very sticky is that good , also not sure when to harvest , i have been told that mid october is ussually the time to harvest so that is what i am planning but dont want to leave out there to long