Plant hieght before flipping to 12/12


Well-Known Member
I was wondering at what height do you guys flip to 12/12 when you are doing a SOG, for example 32 plants in a 4x8 table how tall would you let them get before flipping the switch?


Well-Known Member
People are going to want to see pics lol. probably depends on light and everything else.

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Depends on several things. The strain's typical plant heighth (small, medium, large), your space avalable and quite frankly your decision on how long you want to veg them. In other words no set height but is determined by the factors above.


Well-Known Member
i run 400w and i flower when my plants are around 12" tall. keeping my finished plants under 36" is the goal.

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
I grow a Sativa strain that typically is 4 feet tall and my Indica's are about 3 feet after vegging for 30 to 40 days on the and 45 days for the Sativa. I find I get the best results from these strains if I veg them using these time frames. I use two 400's and one 600. My plants only grow about six inches after I take them into flower.