plant harvest times


Well-Known Member
I was always wondering.. if you have an indica plant, and you harvest when the trichomes are milky, does your plant give off a sativa type buzz?
Or will it still have the down effects of the indica and more a a head buzz then harvesting when the trichomes are amber?
I'm guessing amber trichomes equals total body buzz with an indica,
and harvesting with milky trichomes gives a body buzz, yet with a nice head trip aswell.
hit me back with what you guys know/think, i'm really interested.


Well-Known Member
Early indica is not sativa.
I see where you are going with this,
and even though it is an interesting question.
The fact still remains that the two sensations are
distinct between sativa and indica.
If you like to harvest milky I say more power to you.
Personally I like 50/50 Amber/Milky.


Well-Known Member
I understand that, i'm asking if there is a difference in an indica with harvesting milky trichomes as opposed to amber trichomes.
difference with head buzz?
milky trichomes have more thc(psychoactive properties), and amber more cbd's(more numbing properties).