Plant drying up!!! Please help!!


Active Member
Okay, I've been flowering for 47 days now and my plants look like they are drying up! Does anyone know what happened? Is it nutrient burn? Overwatered?? Is it saveable???


Active Member
hello all,
I am running general hydroponics fertilizers. I am running...
floralicious at 1tsp/5gal 2-.8-.02
florabloom at 3 tsp/gal
flora micro at 2 tsp/gal
bontanicare's cal mag at 1tsp/gal 2-0-0
bontanicare's liquid karma at 2tsp/gal .1-.1-.5

I am growing in soil and I give them water once every 2 days. I have the ph set to 6.3. The daytime temp is about 80 degrees. I have a 6 inch inline fan as a vent from the hood and a 4 inch inline fan for bringing in fresh air from the outside room


Well-Known Member
OK, if I have this straight, the floralicious at 1tsp/5gal 2-.8-.02 is highest in "N" with very little "P" & "K". You gave no ratios for the florabloom at 3 tsp/gal, but I'm guessing it's got SOME "N" in it, even if it's a small amount. Next you have bontanicare's cal mag at 1tsp/gal 2-0-0. That's all "N", with NOTHING for flowering(where you're at right now). Everything I've ever read and learned from other ppl and growing on my own tells me you're feeding them too much Nitrogen for being in the flowering stage, AND you're giving it to them "every other day"? Way too much "N" I would say. Looks like the leaves are burnt from it. Maybe some root problems with being watered so often? Does the soil have a chance to dry out at all before you water again? The temps aren't crazy bad, but mid 70's would be better. If I was you I would give them a good flush, preferrably with some Clearex which will wash all the excess salts and nutes out. Looks like you're close to harvest now(from what I can see), so I would probably let it finish up without feeding it anymore if you only have a week or two left.

