pitbudz87 first grow journal


Well-Known Member
ok so this grow journal is about two months late! I have seriously tried and tried to do this before but i never found the time nor could i figure out how to post pictures cause i have no camera. Luckily I have a little brother who is good at figurin out shit like this (electronics, and pictures).

so this story all started out back in the end of july. so here it goes! so my brother bdrsouthsidesunnyshit was chilllin with some friends outside an apartment kinda in the back smokin some salvia n fukin with shit, just bein little bastards! well, as ive been told they were smokin the salvia and started to look in the bushes like some hippies trippin on nature and like it was sent from heaven my little brother looks down and right in front of him is a two and a half ft marijuana bush!!

So I had tried germinating seeds and had got plants to be two to three weeks old but always had trouble with my pit bulls eating them. So my brother and his friends immediatly transplanted the plant to a pot and moved it inside.

His friend was not wanting to let go off the plant i even tried to buy it cause it was about one week into flowering and had already sexed as a female. So i took the other alternative and convinced him that if i bought the stuff to make clones could i take some?

Well once i had smoked with this kid and convinced him to let me take some clones i immediatly got to work. I had never cloned before so I was researching the hell out of it and finally found riu wich explained it so i jumped right in and took twenty clones.

I took the clones back to my place and with one two foot Mr Light Luminaire in the top of my closet i started to try and root the clones. During the first day i was researching like hell about it and discoverd something that gave me one hell of an idea.

The next morning i woke up and went straight to my local wal-mart and to the closets green house to buy a fish tank two small pumps some styro-foam and perlite and a few guppies and mollies. SO i went home and got the fish tank ready for fish and put an extra pump on the left hand side of the tank and let the tank sit for a few days. After about two days i then transplanted two clones from soil to perlite and had them in black net pots that were fitted in styro-foam with the pots in the water and a air stone blowing right on them. The lighting for this was the regular top of the fish tank with two 60 watt plant bulbs from wall mart, but the lights were suspended with shoe strings and coat hangers above the plants.

After about a week and a half i had roots, i had read and researched and decided to wait till about two and a half weeks before i transplanted them into soil. I then started cleaning my closet more to be more space efficient and decided to move the plants to the floor with the lights that now consisted of some shop light clamp fixtures with some 23w cfl's and the the Mr Light fixture.

Well see here is where i ran into a problem that is called Sable. Sable is not a wierd strain of marijuana youve never heard of no its a little red nosed pit bull puppy that for some reason loves the tase of weed whether it be the plant or in a sack that if im smokin she’s gonna eat it. Well i had saved six of the twenty clones and had them in my closet floor and Sable was an inside dog so i soon realized I really had to do something and fast.

Well after looking at buying grow boxes and building them and all that i eventually decided that i would be much better off to buid me a grow box inside my closet. So i got to thinking about where i could get wood and the designs that would work and came up with this. I took two eight foot 2x4's and cut them into 8-4'-2x2's i used these to make a cube and put ply wood on the top and one side as a door. the other three sides have black trash bag on the outside and security blanket on the inside. on the back two isded are two surge protectors with six outlets in them there are two 23w cfl's plugged into them and then from the top is a shaded surge protector comvered in a security blanket and four 43w cfl's and one 23w and a 150w cfl.

On top of our flower box is our clone station. IT is just a wooded box with a door on one side insided there are 4 clones inside foam that is in a bubbleponic setup.

I have gone through many many problems with this and have put alot of effort into this and it is my first grow. I am hoping that you enjoy my journal and follow along with me. Any comments hopefully i have some dank dank sweet sticky gooey budz! peace, love, and ganja

These pics are 15 days into flowering at 12/12



Well-Known Member
I'd say it looks good, just a few questions... are your lights adjustable? can you raise and lower them? Try to maintain the light about 2 inches from the tops, and lower on the sides. What nutes are you gonna use? You'll need to get a pH test kit or a meter (kinda pricey for a meter). Make sure you run yourself a gallon of tap water in a cleaned out milk jug, let it sit open for 24 hours and pH it then. Make it around 6.5pH. Water your plants with this. The General Hydroponics pH test kit comes with pH reagent, pH up and down for adjusting. Other than these few questions, I'd say your right on track. Your pics look outstanding. One other question... what soil will you be putting your clones in? Try to find some regular potting soil, NO NUTES, and some perlite to mix with it. 2/3 potting soil, 1/3 perlite. You look like you've done your homework and got a great start going. G'Luck with this grow.



Well-Known Member
I'd say it looks good, just a few questions... are your lights adjustable? can you raise and lower them? Try to maintain the light about 2 inches from the tops, and lower on the sides. What nutes are you gonna use? You'll need to get a pH test kit or a meter (kinda pricey for a meter). Make sure you run yourself a gallon of tap water in a cleaned out milk jug, let it sit open for 24 hours and pH it then. Make it around 6.5pH. Water your plants with this. The General Hydroponics pH test kit comes with pH reagent, pH up and down for adjusting. Other than these few questions, I'd say your right on track. Your pics look outstanding. One other question... what soil will you be putting your clones in? Try to find some regular potting soil, NO NUTES, and some perlite to mix with it. 2/3 potting soil, 1/3 perlite. You look like you've done your homework and got a great start going. G'Luck with this grow.

yes my lights are adjustable but i have a heat issue right now im working on. sorry forgot to mention i have a ph meter and i use only spring water i have cloned before and had good results what i will transplant in is a blend of 50-60% composted pine bark, vermiculite, canadian sphagnum peat moss and perlite i have a extra bag of perlite. i am using ferti lome nutes 20-20-20 but at low low strength thanks for the advice Nim im givin u some rep peace love and ganja:weed:


Well-Known Member
Mother Plants look healthy. Clones are lookin a little ugly, sure they will pull through. Keep us updated.

Sorry you may have said but what strains? and estimated flower time?


Well-Known Member
Mother Plants look healthy. Clones are lookin a little ugly, sure they will pull through. Keep us updated.

Sorry you may have said but what strains? and estimated flower time?
read the begining of the journal again hb it tells the story of how we came across the plant, it was an outdoors plant that had just started flowering and we pulled it and the mother plants are clones of the plant we found. yes the clones do look shitty i havent got a humidity dome on them ive just been misting them 3-4 times a day.


Well-Known Member
the mother plants look amazing today guys, more beautiful white hairs searching for pollen lol too bad they wont find it in my box. mis mary jane is my main thang mr mary jane can kick rocks on down the road real talk..


Well-Known Member
^ lol @ mr mary jane

looks like you got it going on
they look pretty healthy, your lucky you got females for your first..
my first was a male.. with gigantic BALLS!!! :(
hopefully not this time though..

i'm suscribed :D i'll be checking this one out
good luck to you


Well-Known Member
thanks rasta!! alright for all of u who have been following along i will be updating pictures later today when my little bro gets off work the girls r lookin awesome one of the other plants that arent a part of this grow journal also showed her, yes i said her she showed her paintes today yes another female whooooo!!!! frist plant grown from seed and its a female praise god!! im goin to throw a few pics of her in there too. peace love and ganja


Well-Known Member
alright guys my little brother is in the living room on his laptop uploading some more pics of the girls they r at 3 or 4 weeks of lights at 12/12 sorry im not really sure on the date guys this past week has been hectic my best friend lost his girlfriend and their little girl the 3 1/2 month old infant. his girlfriend passed away thursday and daughter wendsday due to a car accident on the way to school R.I.P. they buried them yesterday they have already saved many lives with the donations of their organs both the mother and the infant pray for the faimly i wont mention names but god will know what u r talking about. any feed back on my girls is appreciated there is a little light burn i just noticed today i will be raising the lights tomorrow when they come on and lifting a few plants. there is also alot of yellowing in the fan leaves i just flushed 4 days ago cuz i was using mg and i wanted to change to something else i bought wich is 20/20/20 i am using it at a very very very low dose compared to the recomded dosage along with a tablespoon of corn syrup and a drop of superthrive a gallon p.h. water balenced using fish tank drops i have been very busy this week so i dident have time to set out water. any advice or questions is welcome and sorry for the quality of the pics i am hoping to get a digatal camera soon.:peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
alright guys here are the pics!! aren't they beauties!

p.s the pic of the dog is the little bitch sable that keeps tryin to eat my plants!



Well-Known Member
hey man, they're looking good & healthy
how far into flowering are they?
some of the bottom leaves are yellowing
so, i'm guessing a little over 4 to 5 weeks or so?

what kind of nutes are you using?

keep it up man :D
btw, your dog looks mixed? or not?
both of your girls look beautiful ;)

keep her away from your plants
she could bring fleas to your plants
i read it on someones thread about fleas

good luck man :D


Well-Known Member
haha thanks bro and no the dog is a full blood red nose pitbull i have two and one american in my avitar i am using ferti lome 20-20-20 very low only once a week and i use superthrive in every gallon and a tablespoon of corn syrup. yeah about 4


Well-Known Member
ok the plants r looking great today my dad came home for thanksgiving today so i had to stealth my closet more wich sucked and now its getting hotter in the box the plants r in i was goin to get a bathroom exhaust yesterday but dident have the ends (DOGS COME FIRST). stay tuned