Pistils vs trichomes

I have cloudy trichomes but my pistils are still white? looking for energetic high, should i wait until i see some amber to show.
You have cloudy trichomes? I'd get that checked out. If the plant's hairs are predominantly white your plant is still growing, packing on weight, potency and flavor. Just let it finish. You can see with your eyes when a plant is finished in the same way that you can feel a bottle of water is full by lifting it. Nobody needs tools for either of those things. Looking at trichomes to determine whether a plant is ready is bro science and sends new growers into panic mode when they see "AMBER" on a plant that still needs 3 more weeks
I'm looking for cloudy trichomes for a energetic high


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Nice man. I cant wait till I'm producing that quality. I'm not to bad at the growing. It's the drying and curing that I need the help on
If you chop and dry too early, it will come out grassy and loose.
Curing is pretty easy, cutting early or drying too fast is very easy to do.