Pine fresh smell???

I cut my miserable looking plant down and hung her upside down in a dark,cool room. I was going to put her in a sealed glass jar to cure but notice she smelled like pine trees or something similar to it. I dont get it??? Why does it smell like that instead of how she smelled before I cut her which was skunky??? Do I throw her away now?


Active Member
check the buds for mold...if theyre good, and the trichs are good then hell no don't throw it away, smoke it up n forget the smell! lol plants will be a bit stinkier during growing and right after chopping cuz of perspiration


Well-Known Member
its just the leftover chlorophyl in the buds. Once their dry put em in jars to cure em.
Curing them will get rid of all the chlorophyl(or atleast enough to where you dont notice it)
But remember to open the jars everyday for fresh air

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
make sure its dry enough. stems need to snap...not bend then snap. need to hear a crisp snap. then into the jars for burping or you will always have the wet hay shit smell. on average takes about 7 to 10 days to be dry


Well-Known Member
thats because u realeased the terpenes by triming before u dry, this is the route u took right? wen trimming, the beautiful (skunky, or fruity, or hazey, or WATEVER smell) is realesed and u have to wait to get it back in the cure, for a MUCH more exquisite taste dry to dry with the the trim still on, and trim wen dried, right before u dry it. How dry is the buds? do the stems snap? they ALWAYS dry from out to in, so if it seems too dry , it will most likely even out during the cure.


Well-Known Member
yeah it took my a few tries to get drying down right
Once you get it down though its so worth it haha

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
released terpens from trimming before dry??? you dont trim till they are dry....must be a pain in the ass with droopyy soft leaves. ive always trimmed before dry and dont have that problem.


Well-Known Member
I NEVER let my stems get snap-dry.
I dry them to the point the stems are starting to break when bent.
I then cure for a few days and if too moist I redry them for a day.

I HATE overdried buds.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
they get wet again once they go into the jars so i go to asnap and has shown us the better test result that way. shouldnt have to re dry them if you let them snap.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
There is a very elusive strain of pot that smells pinny like even after it's dried. I have always wanted this strain but I have never found a source to get one yet.


I don't know about any elusive strains, Not saying there aren't any . But any plant that's still got tons of chlorophyll present , even when half assed dried will smell like the pine tree perfume you speak of. Curing helps this Tons , There's more then one way to do that too, everybody's different find a forum on it and read what some experienced have to say about it. Just my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
I RARELY have to redry by buds using my method.
At most I keep the jar open for a few hours.

When they start snapping without bending they are over-dried for me.


Active Member
Poor little plant's getting no respect. Dont call it "miserable"...and surely do not throw it away.

Weed can have a variety of different smells. Dry it fully, then cure it in jars...after its cured, and if it doesnt have any visible mold, then its good shit. So smoke up.

Poor plant....I feel bad when i have to cut plants down.