Pictures of my plant late start(aug 15th) check it out/how much longer?


hey I know this is really small compared to what you guys outdoors but anyways just wanted to show off this lady a little bit and ask you guys how much time she has left. I got her on the 15th of august from a local club as a little shrub. The strain is jedi kush. Have been growing on my balcShe had all kinds of deficiencies and obviously wasn't cared for. Did what I could.



Very nice plant dude.
I started some plants from seed in mid-June and they are like yours.
Looks like you got about 4 more weeks of flowering if the weather permits.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
She looks fine now! Good work nursing her back to health! :leaf: Looks like she's got quite awhile to go. At least 4 weeks, maybe 5 more +, if you took her outside for the first time in mid-August.

Good luck.

R2T :peace: