Pictures of a plant. Thoughts? Comments?


Well-Known Member
This is a picture, of some plant, somewhere in the world, at some point in time.

I was advised that at the time the picture was taken, the plant was 7 weeks old. 12/12 from seed, transplanted from a shotglass to a regular sized pot at about 5 weeks old.

In the picture, it is standing about 10.5cm tall, was topped, LST'd earlier, so it is not tied in the pic but has some curvature. While it is short for it's age, due to the start in the small container, it appears the purpose was to grow a small plant, then give it more root room during the flowering stage.

Any thoughts based on the pics? I would guess it has two to three more weeks, from the time the pic was taken, for a heady high.

Any thoughts on strain?

Again, these are just pics, from somewhere. Of course I have no clue where, this is just for educational purposes. As always.



Well-Known Member
6 - 8 weeks makes sense. On a 12/12 plant, from what I've read, I would guesstimate a total of 3 months (12 weeks), give or take. So 6 weeks would bring it to 13 weeks, 15 for good measure. Of course, personal preference would be mostly cloudy trichs, with just a few amber...and to also not chop before it fills out.