PICTURES! help please!


Active Member
its a week old and i think they are too small :sad: i dont know what do u think :?? there under a 150w light :idea: 24/7 with temp. 80 all the time 2 fans and watering it once every 2 days or so when the soil is dry of please any suggestions? :leaf:


TOP of the SH



Active Member
I mean, everything looks fine to me. One thing I'd mention, how far away is your light? May look like its reaching for the light which causes the plant to stretch and get tall and flimsy, but other then that looks fine...


Well-Known Member
It's doing well..a little stretched..try to pile some dirt up to the cotyledons (bottom round leaves).. I'd also get rid of the reflective stuff under the leaves..thats a sensitive area for light... You didn't say what sort of light ..cfl..hps..etc..move lights closer to avoid stretching..
At that size NO nutes till 3-4 weeks starting at 1/4 strength..and water once every 3-4 days.. two main new plant fuck ups, too much water/nutes...
+rep for growing.....