Pictures From First Time Gardener!

Green on Green

Active Member
Off to a good start, what is you have there? If I had to guess I would say pumpkin or squash of some kind, beans, and lettuce?....but I could be completely off. Happy Growin


Well-Known Member
Thanx...I'm tryin' to learn all this as I go.
Picture 1 = Compost Bin
Picture 2 = Spacemaster Cucumber Plants
Picture 3 = Basil & Wild Lettuce
Picture 4 = Oregano


New Member
The Basil looks really good, the Oregano is coming along well too.

In that third pic, those bottom 2 pots, are those more basil? They sure are looking like it.


Well-Known Member
Thanx! The two bottom pots are Catnip & yes more basil. Don't really know why I planted so much basil.


New Member
All I see is the basil. I'm not sure your catnip is growing. There are quite a few kinds of basil, did you plant different ones or just one kind? When it seeds, wait for the seeds to get looking sort of dry, then you can collect some to plant next year. let them dry out for a good while, don't want them to mold.

You want to plant the catnip by itself. It'll get way bigger than the basil and it will choke it out.

I love to see people take an interest in gardening.


Well-Known Member
The Catnip is extremely small as of now, but it's there. Only planted one kind of Basil - giant/mammoth I think. Thanx for the seed info - that will come in handy.