Picture of unknown problem


Well-Known Member
Humidity mighty have something to do with this...see how ur leaf edges are curlig upwards ur plants are trying to perspire (sweat) the dead parts of the leave could be nutrients and water stored in leaves that can't escape what's ur temps humidity ligjt distance and type...are u growing soil cocoa or hydro


Well-Known Member
Humidity mighty have something to do with this...see how ur leaf edges are curlig upwards ur plants are trying to perspire (sweat) the dead parts of the leave could be nutrients and water stored in leaves that can't escape what's ur temps humidity ligjt distance and type...are u growing soil cocoa or hydro
76 is the warmest. RH is probably around 60. This is one of 4 plants and it is the only one with the problem.

Could this be from nute being sprayed on them directly?


Well-Known Member
Humidity mighty have something to do with this...see how ur leaf edges are curlig upwards ur plants are trying to perspire (sweat) the dead parts of the leave could be nutrients and water stored in leaves that can't escape what's ur temps humidity ligjt distance and type...are u growing soil cocoa or hydro
76 is the warmest. RH is probably around 60. This is one of 4 plants and it is the only one with the problem.

Could this be from nute being sprayed on them directly?

Oh. 600 watt mh about 12 inches above. No Heat as it is air cooled