pics of my grow.


I just wanted to thank everyone on this site without everyones posts and info I wouldn't have had a good indoor grow r.I.u kicks ass. I just wanted to throw up a few pics of my grow pretty happy started with 12 seeds ended up with 4 girls<2 cantebury green bud 2 cross breed> at the end that part sucked but I pulled 2.5 oz dry per plant.maybe alittle more but I don't know how much 2 weeks befor they where done my girl got in there and pulled acouple branches and quick dried it for herself. So 2 weeks worth of smoke anyway I went from seed I veg. For a month and a half flowered 8 weeks I used the recipe for success mixing chart for my nutes got that at . My lights used 6 t-12 flos for veg. And in flowering I used 2 150 hps sun systems and hit the sides with 2 70 hps then my prime bud sites I hit with cfls almost 600watts total. Used scotts for soil worked real well for me also had 2 fans going 24/7 through whole grow. Any questions I will be happy to answer just pumped to get at it again going with clones this time 6 hopefully will have better results . Thanks again to everyone ! Oohh and sorry about this thread spelling,etc,etc,I'm really out of it love to smoke my own weed its grreeaaat .

