Pics!....any ideas?


Well-Known Member
i have 2 other plants that are looking like this...temps are a steady 76 daytime and 70 at night.humidity is 50 day and 30 7 days of flower..the strain is Durga Mata..the other pics are what it looked like a couple days ago



Well-Known Member
Your plants look pretty good to me. What is concerning you about them? If anything all i can see is the 1st picture looks a tiny bit droopy


Well-Known Member
so the droopy one is ok? i have two others like it...just a little ocd about them...they are green..the yellow color is coming from the hps...the droopy kinda scared me a little


Well-Known Member
yea man they look fine when did you water last? was it droping just as the lights came on or has it been that way a few days


Well-Known Member
that might be it they need water or for the plants that are really droopy add a teaspooon of epsom salt to the water per gallon for it and see if that helps there might be a nute lock out or it could just be they need watered so dont trip water them and wait a couple of hours and see


Well-Known Member
so the droopy one is ok? i have two others like it...just a little ocd about them...they are green..the yellow color is coming from the hps...the droopy kinda scared me a little
I think most growers are a little ocd over their crop, i know i am. Id say there all fine, when my plants are droopy its always down to over or under watering. I dont know anything about hps, maybe move light further away if its causing that


Well-Known Member
for the drooping your probably watering too often, or not enough, or the light isnt close enough


Well-Known Member
the light is 2 ft away and ive kept the same watering schedule thoughout the started drooping 2 days after water...i water when the pot feels light which is usually 4 days...there are 2 600 hps in the room so i dont think its lack of light


Well-Known Member
Sometimes one plant will just be sickly , who knows why ? Like PEPSIKOLA said , it is either overwatered or it is underwatered, or the light is too close , or it is too far away......WTF ? WHO KNOWS ?
I would concentrate on the crop as a whole , if the rest of the crop looks OK then don't worry about the one , unless it gets a fungus or infestation that could spread to the others, then kill it. I think most of us early growers tend to look at the ONE plant that looks a little strange to us and we freak out, natural reaction. The crop on the whole looks good to me.