Phrases or Words That You Can Live Without Hearing Again

Just Be

Well-Known Member
"That's what I'm talking about!"
"You got this"
"At the end of the day.."
"Thank you for your service"
"I get it"
"Go big or go home"
"Let's do this"
"First responders"
"What can I expect for a yield?"
"You're either with us or against us"
"Everything happens for a reason"
"Working hard or hardly working?"
"My way or the highway"
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Boots on the ground
Hey, what's up, youtube so and so here..
So much win
Sacred geometry
Because race car
Under lockdown
I'm a tax payer
What's the matter with you? (asked rhetorically)
Tripping balls
I demand satisfaction
It is what it is cracked me up. I know what it is god dammit! I'm pontificating on what it SHOULD be. This thread really makes me think of how many programmed phrases and mentalities people have exhibited over the years. Culture is no one's friend.
This thread really makes me think of how many programmed phrases and mentalities people have exhibited over the years. Culture is no one's friend.
It's got considerably worse over the past 20+ years probably because of the internet.

My bad
Time is money
"Whatever" when used as some sort of end-all statement
Carbon footprint
In a perfect world..
Built like a brick shit house
How much do you bench?
Come and take it
Being that your John Dee, I'd expect nothing less than esotericism on all levels. Now, excuse me while I align my chakras. last. Someone who knows who John Dee is. Late 1500s advisor to Queen Elizabeth. Astrologer, mathematician and on the cusp of alchemy and modern science. Some people consider him to be the first scientist. I like to think of him as the last Alchemist.