Light and Photosynthesis. Quantitative analysis
Through photosynthesis, plants gets the required energy to dissociate water molecules (H2O) into its components (H and O) and build, together with the C from the air's CO2 (carbon dioxide), the organic matter used to build the plants. Some other elements are required in small amounts, and they are uptaked by roots (they are called plant's nutrients). So a plant need mainly air (CO2), water and light to thrive.
The process of photosynthesis requires light, water and CO2 and produces O2 (oxygen). So its possible to measure accurately photosynthesis by measuring CO2 uptaken or O2 produced. Photosynthesis is limited for the required factor (light,water,CO2) which is depleted earlier. On indoor growing, it shouldnt be a lack of enough water, and the grower should provide enough CO2 by air renovation or directly CO2 supplementing if want to optimize the grow, so the main limiting factor is the light available. Its a must on a well designed grow room.
Photosynthesis is tightly linked with total amount of photons absorbed. This concept is the base of all, and it should be clear for any grower. So im going to analyze it deeper:
-Amount of photons. Not of watts, or lm. Plants use photons, so the number of photons is the essential figure to consider. The more the photons which reach the plant, the better (up to a limit).
Its important to note that same energy (for example 1 watt) of blue (450nm) have 33% less photons than of red ones (670nm) (450/670=0.67 : as noted before, energy carried by a photon is inversely proportional to its wl) if we take the amount of red photons as base. If we take the amount of blue photons as reference, then 1 watt of red ones carries 49%, near half, more photons (670/450=149). So very often, producing as more red photons possible is the most effective way of using artificial light for growing plants (if the efficiency of producing 1 watt of each are similar).
This effect is what does that plants have adapted their systems to use 670nm photons the more efficiently, as sunlight reaching Earth's surface has higher number of then than of any other wl, while the higher energy (watts) received is of green light.
-Absorbed. Plants absorb differentially photons of different wl, and it depends too slightly of the light density they are receiving. One of the ways of improving plants lighting is by optimizing the light level and the spectrum in order to get the max absorption (and less reflection) of photons possible.
This way is how cannabis reflect different wl:
Note that although the higher reflection is of green (around 550nm), and thats why see the plant green, just a small fraction of green is reflected back, as 15%, and not all as you can read many times on the net.That plants reflect back all the green light is a false statement.
This false statement is found very often linked to other false one, that plants dont use green photons for photosynthesis. Plants reflect back more green photons than of other wl, as they use them with lower efficacy, but as max its used at half the efficacy of red ones. Lower efficacy of green, yes, but its not wasted at all. That green light is wasted is another false statement. Ill analyze this topic deeper later, as its qualitative and not quantitative analysis.
Quantitative analysis II. Photosynthesis and irradiance
Irradiance refers to the light falling on a given surface. It measures the light density at a given point. The unit used is uE/m2 (per second). Its often found as PPFD (Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density).
Its the radiometric equivalence to the more known iluminance (photometric, for humans, as lm) which is measured on lm/m2=lux. Light concepts preceded by a "i" are referred to the lighted object or surface, and not to the light's source.
The term light's "intensity" is too used for irradiance, but i prefer to avoid using it, due there is other light "intensity" concept which is referred to the light source, which is measured in Cd (candles) or W/sr (optic watt per steroradian). It could lead to confusion, thus ill only use the irradiance term, which not only is clearly referred to the lighted surface, but its too a radiometric concept: radiometric units refers to physical entities (watts, photons) while photometric units refers to how human sense the light (lm, cd), thus they are very misleading when used for plants lighting.
There is a relatively simple way of measuring irradiance with a standard luxometer (light meter) knowing the spectrum of the light: its explained on the "Bulb Comparison" thread which is absolutely complementary to this thread.
Irradiance depends strongly on the point where its measured. It drops sharply with the increased distance and its very affected by how the reflector distribute the light. A concept very similar is when we calculate the average light available, by dividing lm by sq meter (or sq ft). If instead of using the photometric lm, we use number of photons and divide it by sq meters where it's distributed, we get an average uE/m2 figure. Irradiance is too given on uE/m2, but it relates to a point with a given position and distance to the lamp while the calculated uE/m2 is just an average of the light thrown to a given space, without taking into account position or distance.
Sorry for the long introduction to the term irradiance, but its a very bad understood concept which is very important to know how light affect plants, thus i want it very clear. Please ask later any doubt about it: optimizing the lighting of a grow is a task mainly of improving irradiance distribution along the grow room so the better you understand it, the better you will can improve your lighting.
(Im trying to condense on a few post what is often studied along a year. If you dont have previous knowledge about this topic, is very probable you dont understand all on a first read, neither on a second one. But trying to understand it worth, and its not as complex as it seems, just take your time and ask for explanations
Photosynthesis behaves on a typical way depending of the irradiance level al leaves, as this graph shows:
(From The photosynthesis 'light response curve')
(Read too for more in deep graphs and explanations on Eutrophication - light and growth)
There is a first part of the curve which is near linear, meaning that equal increase in irradiance level lead to a equal increase of photosynthesis. The slope of this line determine the maximum photosynthetic rate of the plant. This is called the "light limited" part of the P-E curve (photosynthesis(P) vs irradiance(E)), because what limit the photosynthesis is the amount of light. Along levels of irradiance of this part of the curve (the lowest), more light produces more photosynthesis.
But there is a point where the curve goes flattening, called max Photosynthesis rate point, often noted as A. This is the part of the curve called "CO2 limited", because is internal CO2 concentration in leaves what limit P. Plants is using more CO2 than its able to absorb from the air, thus part of the light cant be used for photosynthesis. The higher the irradiation from this point, the more light is wasted. For cannabis, this point is about 300 uE/m2 at ambient CO2 concentrations: at higher CO2 levels, this point happen at higher irradiance, as well as the flattening of the curve is less pronounced, because plant is able to keep internal CO2 higher.
Finally, there is a point when further increase of irradiance dont get any increase on P, wich is called the "saturation" point. If we still increase irradiation, plant finally protect itself from damage due to excess light and P decreases. There are different ways used by plants to do it, but at really high irradiance plants deactivate photosynthetic systems and chlorophyll is retired from the leaves, producing the effect known as "light bleaching" (because leaves becomes white), which is irreversible (permanent damage).