Phosphorus Deficiency?


Well-Known Member
I just planted some babies a few days ago and some are already about an inch tall. The only problem is (I think it's a problem) that the stems on all but one are purpley-white. I looked up the growFAQ and it says that may be caused be a phosphorus deficiency, but I don't understand how I am to fix this if it's true because I thought you're supposed to wait a good amount of time before adding nutes.

Or are purpleish stems natural once they're little?

I'll update with pics once I get some.

Some info: They've been in the ground for about a week now. I'm using organic soil and they are in a nice open spot with great sunlight. I try to water them once a day but recently it seems as if the water is being too easily retained and isn't going anywhere even though my cups have holes for it to drain out of. Maybe overwatering?

The last pic is one I started a week ago in regular ground soil I found near my house. Thank you!

