Phillips Horticulture new(ish) "Plasma Killer" HID lights

Hey guys,

Just realised these have not been mentioned on here yet. I found them through an article in a hydro magazine i read and figured you might be interested.

Their new "Daylight" spectrum bulb -

It's a 315 watt, 3000k (AGRO) bulb, 35.5k lumens (113Lm/W) - it's intended to be a used right up until flowering (germination, propagation, and vegative and pre flowering). People are hyping it as 600 micromoles/s (Some people state plasma at 300 micromole/s atm). So for 50w more than a Plasma, you're doubling your light.

Prices aren't too bad - fixture and light combo currently the same price as plasma, with the bulbs being slightly more expensive (~£125 EACH!).

They also have some nice CMH bulbs at the moment, and their HID specialty horticulture bulbs are claiming 144 lm/w (on par with LED?).

Just thought i would throw it out there, as some people may be interested.

"Technical" specs (if they can be called that) are available at dPapillon 315W.pdf.

Theres a few places selling them at the moment.
