Phenmetrazine, most abusable stimulant ever.


Well-Known Member
Phenmetrazine has been used recreationally in many countries, for example Sweden. When stimulant use first became prevalent in Sweden in the 1950s, phenmetrazine was preferred to amphetamine and methamphetamine by users.[10] In the autobiographical novel "Rush" by Kim Wozencraft, intravenous phenmetrazine is described as the most euphoric and pro-sexual of the stimulants the author used.
Phenmetrazine was classified as a narcotic in Sweden in 1959, and was taken completely off the market in 1965. At first the illegal demand was satisfied by smuggling from Germany, and later Spain and Italy. At first, Preludin tablets were smuggled, but soon the smugglers started bringing in raw phenmetrazine powder. Eventually amphetamine became the dominant stimulant of abuse because of its greater availability.
Phenmetrazine was taken by The Beatles early in their career. Paul McCartney was one known user. McCartney's introduction to drugs started in Hamburg, Germany. The Beatles had to play for hours, and they were often given "Prellies" (Preludin) by the maid who cleaned their housing arrangements, German customers, or by Astrid Kirchherr (whose mother bought them). McCartney would usually take one, but John Lennon would often take four or five.[11] Hunter Davies asserted, in his 1968 biography of the band,[12] that their use of such stimulants then was in response to their need to stay awake and keep working, rather than a simple desire for kicks.
Preludin was also used recreationally in the U.S.A. throughout the 1960s and early '70s. It could be crushed up in water, heated and injected. The street name for the drug in Washington, D.C. was "Bam".[13]
(from wiki)

I am going to try getting this. I mean I have ADHD, and if I say the lack of sife-effects really interests me because I have anxiety problems maybe it'll get me somewhere? It sounds fucking insane.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
Yep, I have been dying to try it for years.

Its not all that difficult of a synth, plus there are some novel analogs that are fairly easy to prepare as well. The analogs are probably legal too!


Well-Known Member
Is THAT what those were? I was once given a bag of salmon colored pills, must have been a couple of hundred of them. I was told they were quaaludes but my PDR said preludin. mThese things had a waxy white core. I will tell you they were so strong I dare not eat more than about a third of one, MAN I couldn't figure out how anyone ate a whole one. I recall putting about 100 away (I still hold things for later when I really want them). Several months later I went to get one and found in the bottle only a tiny note. "I needed these to keep the house clean honey, I will get you more I promise". I never even noticed my girlfriend buzzing around for all that time. And of course she dould never ever "get me more". I've had about every amp you can get from black beauties to dexadrine and those were by far the strongest I have ever had.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Yep, I have been dying to try it for years.

Its not all that difficult of a synth, plus there are some novel analogs that are fairly easy to prepare as well. The analogs are probably legal too!
Dee ... I love having your 'Brain' here !

Your comments always make ME snicker in healthiest of ways !




Well-Known Member
thats hilarious. ive always wanted to try quaaludes. my mom tells me that she use to take them all the time and that i missed out. hahaha. what a bitch.


Well-Known Member
Yep, I have been dying to try it for years.

Its not all that difficult of a synth, plus there are some novel analogs that are fairly easy to prepare as well. The analogs are probably legal too!
Maybe I'll attempt something then.. Sounds like these are very relaxing, which is odd for a stimulant with no heart rate increase.


Well-Known Member
thats hilarious. ive always wanted to try quaaludes. my mom tells me that she use to take them all the time and that i missed out. hahaha. what a bitch.
Its not a joke. It was fucking like heaven. Only thing similar on the market now is etizolam which is legal, AND ABSOLUTELY THE BEST BENZO ANALOG EVER!! It is so euphoric, I misjudged their strength cause I guess benzo tolerance doesnt equal etizolam tolerance, I guess cause its more like a quualude, It's actually a thiendiazepine. It felt so amazing. I took 8 one mg pills (i usually could (2mg) take a couple klonopin or bars and be fine) got so fucked on them I put 100 of them somewhere in my house.. Still havent found them.. I literally have tore my house up looking. I pray I find them one day. I'll just order more anyway. Best benzo ever. So euphoric, and the best anti anxiety medication ever. Without much sedating effects.


Well-Known Member
Of for fuck yeah.. I wish I had some right now.. Seriously. It would be the perfect end. I AM ordering some right now lol


Well-Known Member
that sux. at least i got 2cb and she didnt. that has been one of the greatest trips ive have ever experienced, hands down. its now my goal to meet someone who still has a stockpile of them still. i know theres some people out who do and im gonna find em.


Well-Known Member
that sux. at least i got 2cb and she didnt. that has been one of the greatest trips ive have ever experienced, hands down. its now my goal to meet someone who still has a stockpile of them still. i know theres some people out who do and im gonna find em.
Me too. Never came across it. "nexus" A reason it's the only illegal one. It's fucking raw euphoria I heard. Sounds fucking raw lol


Well-Known Member
that sux. at least i got 2cb and she didnt. that has been one of the greatest trips ive have ever experienced, hands down. its now my goal to meet someone who still has a stockpile of them still. i know theres some people out who do and im gonna find em.
It (ludes) can be synth'ed bandit, and lay people can do it without a lot of trouble.